Chapter 8

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Okay, super quick upload! Trust me, this won't happen that often because I'm usually really busy but I had the time so I wrote it. Thanks to everyone who gave me encouragement to keep writing and I promise I will so don't panic!! lol. I'm dedicating this chapter to soocool who is just soocool :)


Chapter 8

Flynn’s POV

“What happened to her, Flynn?”

I pulled my eyes away from where Corinna had disappeared into the house to look at Jesse. His blue eyes were filled with pain and worry as he focused on the same spot I’d been looking moments before. “No one’s ever looked at me like that before.” He turned his head and his bleak eyes connected with mine. “There was nothing there, Flynn. Her eyes were completely flat, totally cold.” He shook his head, shock and concern written over his features.

“Give me your phone,” I said, a thought suddenly occurring to me. Automatically, Jesse held the device out to me, his attention focused inward as I flipped through the call history and dialled the number of the most recent call. It rang a couple times before an automated voice told me that it was a pay phone that could not accept incoming calls. “Fuck!” I shouted, anger boiling up inside of me like I’d never felt before. I wanted to punch something, preferably the person who’d put that look on Corinna’s face, causing all the blood to drain from her cheeks and the happiness that had been tentatively making its way into her eyes to vanish.

“What do I do?” Jesse said quietly, running a hand through his hair. “How am I supposed to help her when I don’t even know what’s wrong.”

I just shook my head, unable to speak past the anger choking me. Somehow, I knew that phone call and those marks on her wrist were connected and if I ever found out who was responsible, they wouldn’t like the result.

“What are you guys doing out there?” Donald asked, poking his head out the front door and giving us a confused look.

“Nothing,” Jesse mumbled, taking a jerky step towards the house.

“Flynn, are you coming in? Corinna’s sick so I’m not sure if she’ll be up for tutoring tonight,” Donald said, stepping aside as Jesse walked in.

I frowned, walking into the house behind Jesse. “She’s really sick?”

“We were sceptical at first too but she really doesn’t look so good right now,” Donald said, heading towards the stairs that took him downstairs to where the living room they actually used was.

“She swore at me again,” I heard Sandra’s voice say from downstairs. “I don’t know how much longer I can take this, Donald. We both know she’s only going to get worse.”

“She’s sick, Sandra,” Donald said, disappearing from view but his deep voice carried up to me, making my clenched fists loosen slightly. “Let’s just give her a break, okay?”

“How many breaks are we going to give her?” Sandra said just before the volume of the TV was turned up and the sounds of American Idol blocked out the sound of their voices.

A new anger joined the old one as I stared down the stairs after the people who were pretty much my second parents and had been ever since I was a little kid. They’d been the ones who were there for me when I needed them because my own family was less than reliable. When my mother had left a couple years ago, I’d practically moved in with Sandra and Donald to avoid my father as his drinking became worse and worse and not once had they treated me with the same indifference that they treat Corinna with.

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