Strawberry Part 1

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"Oi maka!" Soul called from the kitchen. It's his turn to cook and wash the dishes since it's been two weeks after he done something in the after he finally recover from his injuries due to their last assignment.

"Hm?". Maka answer while still reading the book that she bought this morning. it's about the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty. She found it interesting to read, and thought that it's been a while since she read something like this.

"What do you want for dinner? "

"uh pasta?, i bought some sauce last time, it's on the fridge "

"Okay, Got it"

*after 20min*

"Hm smells good. Maka time to eat." Soul flash his usual toothy grin after finishing the dish knowing for sure she'll love it.

"Uh -hu" he heard her say, but still, she's not moving from the couch and still reading a book.

"Ee? oi Bookworm! you know it's not healthy if you don't eat on time! Tsk"

She grumbled something under her breath as she walks lazily towards the table, book still in her hand.

oh death!

Soul thought as he closed his eyes, embracing himself from the coming Maka chop, but not a single bôok came flying to his head and small 'thud' in the table was all he hèàrd. she's sitting right in front of him and the book is on her left side of the table.

"Hm! this sure smells good Soul!"

he raised his eyebrow, not sure how to react.

*Soul's POV*

"What?" she tilted her head deliciously and gave me those puzzled look.

"Uh oh nothing", i drop the topic, not wanting to ruin her good mood, but i wonder why?

We both dig in our dinner, just like what we always did, the only. Difference is...

"Oh Soul this is delicious! never thought You can cook something like this haha"

"Uh o-of cour-se, it's because i'm cool!"

weird!! she's praising me like hell! I can feel my cheeks burning up from what she said, I looked somewhere else, just to hide my face from her. Geez! this is so uncool!, I know, I know, i liked her ever since the first time we've met. It's been 5 years since then, but in the third year of our partnership, 2 years after we defeated the one and only kishin Asura, my feelings for her grow to something that i didn't expected. I admitted that it's just a mere crush in the beginning, but after that war against madness, i realized that i can't live without her anymore. She is my life now.

I do Love her.

Specially those big mint eyes, her cute little nose..

and those legs..

Those damn long creamy legs that only god knows where it ends!!

If only I can roll my tongue on it, oh damn how sweet could it be!

Argh shit! dammit hormones!.

"Yuck Soul, you're drooling!! Jeez"

"u-uh what?"

Dammit! Dammit! I wipe away my drool with a tissue! So uncool!! i can't look at her.!

"By the way do you know about the Greek Goddess of Love and beauty?"

" hu ? Aphrodite ?"

"Yep!" she stated happily. Eh? What's with her?

" why?" I asked dumbfounded.

"uh nothing in particular, just found her admirable" she smiles and continued her dinner.

"well, she's the Goddess of beauty and love after all"

But you're much more admirable than her. I struggle to say those words. After all, I can't still confess my feelings for her.

That night went smooth for both of us, I slumped on the couch giving her enough space to sit and carry on to her reading session, it's one of those nights that keeps me away from thinking random things, just looking at my meister makes me feel relaxed.

After somewhat 2 hours of flipping the channels, she slowly closed her book, she stretch her arms and those strong, creamy long legs that I dreamt on running my tongue to its full length , she also arc her back that causes her now well-developed front to struggle against her tank top and let a small moan escaped her sexy lips that brings my blood runs to my cheeks, again-///-

Then I feel something painful against my pants.

Fuck .

I growl seeing how strong her simple acts affect me. I cross my leg in hope for hiding the 'bulged' between my thigh. I can feel the sweat on my forehead now. If only I could touch her.

Oh my sweet shinigami

how I want to feel her more,

to touch her silk skin,

to kissed her soft, sexy lips,

to burry my face to the crook of her neck,

to hear her moan my name

and to feel her in my , my-y ..

she stood up.

Fucking Hormones!

I've never imagine that her body undergo a lot of changes after the war, and I've never imagine that it cause me a lot of pain, just to hide my embarrassment to her, more than before.

"Ugrh!! I'm Beat! Time for bed Soul, we still have classes tomorrow." I nodded.

I turned off the TV and walks to my bedroom,

"Goodnight Maka"

"Goodnight Soul"

I closed the door, leaned to it, and growl seeing her effect to my oh-so-precious-member. I really want to dismiss it now 'coz it's already late in the evening and we still have to wake up early. But fuck this boner, makes me want to stay out all night and think of my not-so-lovely meister.

In defeat, I breath and strip my pants, causing my dick to struggle against my black silk boxer shorts, without any second thought, the boxer shorts join the pants somewhere in the dark corner of my room, leaving my dick twitch, achingly looking for some pressure, I grab it furiously, making my head thrown backward and roll my eyes.

" Ohh~ makaa~"

I hissed, still keeping myself on check.


I pumped harder and faster, leaving me on the edge of wonderland, thinking how nice if It's my meister who pumped me like this without mercy. I let a small moan escape my lips as I think of her,


After a couple of more pump and small moans that I keep but still escape from my lips , I can feel the sweet sensation building inside me ! More, more!


I struggle to keep my voice as low as I can. My legs starts wobbling, Ohh geez I let my self-slide and sat on the floor, panting heavily,

"Shit maka, what have you done to me?"

Fuck, it's such a long day .


Sorry for wrong grammar, spelling and whatsoever. I'm a newbie also by the way.

Aphrodite's Strawberry (Soul Eater x Maka Albarn~lemon~)Where stories live. Discover now