chap-13 Jealous much?

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"Food is ready, go and call them for lunch, my sweet daughter is hungry, right?" she said and I nodded

"I love you umma" I said and hugged her

Everyone came except Chanyeol

"I will call Chanyeol" I said and searched for him

He was sitting on the bench

"Chanyeol lunch is ready" I said cheerfully

"Go away, I am not hungry" he said coldly

Something is wrong, but what?

"According to my knowledge you are a human being and human being requires food to live so come and eat" I said

"Please go away I am not hungry" he said in annoyed tone

I hold his hand to take him inside the house but he quickly shoved away my hand


Tears started to roll from my eyes but I tried to hold them

"I just wanted to make you happy because you look sad but you don't want to see my face okay I will not show my face to you" I said coldly and walked away

I quickly went to my room

Why my heart is hurting this much

Chanyeol's pov

Wow Chanyeol. I am so proud of you

You made a person to cry whom you can't see cry

I punched the wall until it started bleeding

You deserve it

I went to home to search for Shin-ah

"Anything happened between you" aunty asked

"No, why?" I asked

"She went to her room while crying and she didn't eat anything "

"Nothing happened" I lied and she sighed

"Umma I am hungry" she said while coming down

When she saw me she looked away

"Umma I will eat in my room" she said and went to her room

Park Shin Hye's pov

I don't want to see his face

How dare he yelled at me

Kring kring

Unknown number


"Hii beautiful"


"hey beautiful how many times I have to tell you call me minhyuk"

"sorry minhyuk why did you call"

"I missed you"

"So cheesy"

"It's so boring without you I am missing you"

"What do you need?"



"Just kidding, tonight there is a party you have to come "

"But minhyuk I never had been in party so party is not my style"

"Hey you sound like kris "

"What? Who is kris?"

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