Chapter 6

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[Jeonghan's POV]

"Yoon Jeonghan."

What..? Who was that? Joshua and I are the only ones here.. is it a ghost?

"Jeonghan-ah?" Someone tapped my shoulders, I turn around to meet a worried Joshua looking at me. "What's wrong?" He asked with his calm voice, the voice that would always make my heart skip a beat.

"It's nothing, don't worry." I shrugged it off with a smile, It was probably just my imagination. I mean, ghosts don't really exist right?

"Stay away from Joshua Hong, he is dangerous."

A shiver went down my spine, do ghosts really exist? Why would someone— or something say that Joshua is dangerous? He is like an angel, a gentleman, a perfect boyf—Am I checking out Joshua again?

"He is indeed an angel, that's what makes him so dangerous." The voice once again says, I looked at Joshua who was now staring at the sky. Smiling to himself and then looking at me with that same smile. I just stared at him for awhile.. how could he be dangerous?


[Joshua's POV]

While I was staring at Jeonghan, the pig—eh I mean Seungkwan ran to Jeonghan with a grin on his face. "Well, well, what do we have here? On a date with Joshua?" He smirked then glanced at the two of us.

I don't know if I'm just imagining things, but did I just see Jeonghan blush?

"A date? Silly, we're just.. Uh.." And he's stuttering, could it be..?

"Sure you are. Well, Vernon said one of his friends are here. He was asking for you, Joshua." Seungkwan said, making me tilt my head in confusion? Asking for my presence? Who or what could that 'friend' be?

Jeonghan and I nodded at each other then followed Seungkwan inside the mall. We saw Mingyu and Wonwoo eating at McDonalds—how sweet. I'm actually quite excited how our plan will turn out.


Too indulged with our plan, I didn't realize that I bumped into a guy. "I'm sorry about th—eh? Hyung?!" I suddenly stepped backward and the guy turned around, I was right. What is he doing here? I get that he had a special mission, but inside the mall?

"Hey Josh, this is Seungcheol." Hansol smirked at me, I glared at him. He knows how much I envy my older brother, considering that he is the most favored lovechild of our parents. I sighed inwardly, hopefully Seungcheol didn't notice that.

Choi Seungcheol, without a shirt on, is doing a body wave against Vernon as he— STAHP. HONGLY JOSHUA. THAT IS VERY VERY DISGUSTING.

I chuckled. Ah~ payback.

"It's been a while, Shua." Seungcheol laughed, patting my back—making me cough or more like, choke on air. Who knew he'd be that strong even in the human realm?

"The two of you know each other? Again?" Seungkwan eyed the three of us with a suspicious look visible on his face, oh great. It seems like Hansol is in trouble. "Relax, babe, Seungcheol is my childhood friend so of course Joshua would know him." Hansol explained, and I was about to throw up because of that 'babe' thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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