Volatile Times

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[No quirks, apologies, but auto correct is very aggravating.

This is a super, super short chapter,  the next one will be a bit more in depth, I promise!]

The brunette female laid on her side, curled up in the motels bed, fast asleep.  Tears tracked down her cheeks and she shifted, a barely audible noise of discontent escaping reddened lips. When a hand clamped on her shoulder and shook, Aradia immediately woke up pulling out the knife she kept by her side,  upon turning she was met with a steady, calm cerulean blue gaze. "Vriska! I
nearly stabbed you...again!" She spoke with a husky Japanese drawl, swinging her legs so her feet met with the cold floor.

"But you didn't, Megido." Vriska's voice was lightly amused, tactfully not mentioning anything as she swiped at her eyes and cheeks,  offering a mug of instant coffee along with a smirk to the yawning girl which she accepted gratefully.

"Mmph..." She took a sip of the scalding, bitter liquid welcoming the heat and energy. "What time is it?" She asked absentmindedly.

" 9:30...what?" She arched her eyebrows slightly at Aradia who had froze, blinking her carmine colored orbs at her.

"You let me sleep that long?!" She exclaimed. "What if something had happened?!"

"Then I would have kicked your lazy ass out of bed, simple." Vriska stood then, moving with a dangerous grace as she cracked her back. "Mmm...I'm gonna go wake the dragon, McShoutie said we can show up at any time...so..."

Aradia nodded, understanding immediately, they'd already been at the motel for nearly a week...hunters liked to keep moving, to stay in one place for too long was a quick way to have the tables turn on you. "Got it, 11 sound good?"

"Yeah, Handmaid. See you in a bit." She flashed a grin over her shoulder before ducking out of the room.

"Yeah, yeah Marquise..." She felt her smile fade, reluctantly getting out of bed though she was tempted to try and go back to sleep, to try and pursue her dream of a certain hacker. " It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live..." She murmured to herself, sighing. "Doesn't make it any less tempting..."

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