Lemon Candy and Pomegranates.

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The packing of the old, but still functional car, a patchwork of different colors from the dark red door passenger side door and hood scrounged from a dump, the main body white, dingy, but still white, the blue driver side door which only opened with ease rarely and a few nice words,  the rest of the time it had to be forced open with a banshee like shriek of protest and rust, took a bit longer than planned.

The reason behind that were Vriska and Terezi, with their constant teasing of each other like Vriska's habit of lightly bumping the other with a slim hip. While Aradia didn't complain too much, honestly enjoying the affection between the two, she couldn't help but feel more relaxed once they were on the road...so relaxed that she fell back asleep.

The jolting of the car, combined with Vriska's loud, inventive swearing woke the brunette. "Wass goin' on?" She asked, still half asleep.

"Someone's trying to force us off the road, what do you think is happening?!" Was the blue eyed females reply from between gritted teeth.

"Its some sort of psychic attack, but-" Terezi stopped, her blind eyes fixing upon Aradia who had closed her own, curling hands into loose fists as she exhaled slowly. "Keep us on the road."

"Thank you for the ever helpful advice, Rezi!"

Aradia, however wasn't quite in the car and, if she were to open her eyes, there would be no color, only white. The psychic was searching for the attacker, tracking them easily through the threads that their mind left behind on the car during the attack and she smiled, more of a baring of teeth  then an expression of mirth once she located the attacker.

A demon, normally she would have recoiled, but she was very unhappy with the attacker and with a cold, calculated lash of her mind, she felt the attacker lose grip and then let go, surprise and annoyance registering in her mind, like lemon sour candy settling on her tongue. 

" We're alright...keep going." She didn't open her eyes, pressing her forehead against the window, unable to shake the feeling that she knew that mind, but...from where?


"You alright?" A voice inquired, watching the figure beside them clutch at his head, looking very disoriented for a few moments.

"Fine. Just caught me off guard, should I try again?"

The first figure shook it's head and stood up, sharp angles and soft shadow. "No. Let them go for now, you did well though, Captor."

Sollux grimaced slightly behind the demons back, their praise leaving a faint taste in his mouth as a portal was opened. Still, some part of his mind lingered on the attack, the mind he'd touched had reminded him of something, wet-red tang, not berries, not cherries, but darker, wine maybe? It was only when he stepped into the portal, the opening closing behind the new demon that the flavor came to him,  pomegranates. The mind had reminded him of pomegranates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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