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I was sitting in well a cell when alic voltori walked in and interuptied my thinking seson "ARO WANTS YOU COME" "whatever" as we walk I asked "what dose aro want with me" "he wants you to join" "never do it bother you thaty well aro likes me more than you and you nasty sister aparinty that triggered a soft spot cas he tried to use his povers on me what a joke lol when we walked in I was shoked to see my big bro their ryan hes alos in seths band after a lot of arguing aro finaly let me go what a dick he it for takeing me in the first place I just cant wait to get home the hole  gang of callins were here even unt rose wow even ryan dam big deal oh did I metion I have a big bro he plays brums in seth band hes 16 I love him but he can be a well dick some times on the ride home I fell asleep I wonded I mean dose seth lick me

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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