Poké Academy Year 1

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Gold: Ambitious, loves battles, and eating.Grade: 2nd year. Family: Ethan

Crystal: Quiet, kind, and is a photographer. Grade: 2nd year. Family: Lyra
Starter: Chikorita

Ruby: Quirky, ambitious, and accident prone. Grade: 1st year. Family: Dad (Norman)
Starter: Treeko

Sapphire: Loud, coordinator, and a tomboy (ironic huh?) Grade: 1st year Family: Emerald
Starter: Torchic.

Red: Leader, calm, and battler. Grade: 1st year
Family: none

Green: Smart, leader, and hard headed. Grade: 1st year.
Family: Ash Keptchum
Starter: Bulbasaur

Lucas: Nerdy, technical, and deaf in one ear (right.) Grade: 1st year.
Family: Prof. Rowan (Grandfather.)
Starter: Turtwig

Dawn: Coordinater, forgetful, and an apprentice to Prof. Rowan. Grade 1st year.
Family: Flint (Uncle)
Starter: Piplup

Ethan: Energetic, goofy, and great listener. Grade: 1st year.
Family: Gold
Starter: Cyndaquil

Lyra: Sweet, loves flowers, and swimming. Grade: 1st year.
Family: Crystal
Starter: Marill

Black: Athletic, witty, and loves fire types. Grade: 1st year.
Family: none
Starter: Tepig

White: Loving, loves to dress up/act, and athletic. Grade: 1st year.
Family: Prof. Juniper (Mother)
Starter: Snivy

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