Chapter 2

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Dawn's P.O.V.

"Hey Lucas!" I say as he gets in the car and hug him. "New book huh?"

"Yeah..." Lucas says and hugs me back.

Then I hear a knock on my window and I jump and my elbow smacked Lucas in the face. I turn around and it is my boss, Professor Rowan.

I get out of the car. "Yes sir?" I ask him and bow.

"Please keep an eye on Lucas?!" Professor Rowan says smiling a little.

"I will!" I say and bow again.

"You promise?" Professor Rowan asks looking at me and testing me.

"I promise." I say and jump a little. I hug the old professor and get back in the car and wave good bye.


When I don't see the old man I slouch and go to sleep.


"Dawn we are here!" I say an jump but I look out my window and we are at the airport. I pout a little bit.

"It's ok we will be there soon we are at Snowpoint City." Lucas says cheering me up like always.

"True..." I smile and grab my stuff and walk to the desk.

Lucas follows behind for being in my hoodie and being in Snowpoint I wasn't very cold.

The airport on the inside was a first class one so not to many people were there.

Many trainers were there with their pokémon with no stuff... "What!?" I say thinking they are just here cause it's nice and there are free snacks.

White's P.O.V.
I sit and wait in my mother's office waiting for here to get off work so we can go and eat.

"Ok ready to go?" My mother says while taking off her googles and smiling.

"Yep." I say popping the 'p' and bounce up and my stomach roars to life.

"Well someone's hungry." Mother says and smiles and locks the door behind me.

We stop at my best friend's house, Black, for dinner because our mims have something to tell us.

Me and Black set the table without a saying a word to each other. I like him and I think he likes me. Ever since the last summer we haven't talked very often.

"So... um... yeah..." Black says not looking at me setting down some plates.

I look up slightly and my face gets warm. "Yea..." We stop that awkward conversation.

We sit down and as we start to eat, our
parents start chatting away.

I break their friendly banter and say: "So what was it you want to tell us?" I ask having a annoyed look on my face and so does Black.

"Ok..." Our moms look at each other and smile and then look at us. "Both of you made it to the Kushu Pokémon Academy.


Thanks my pokiés!!! I love you all for the votes and comments. Tell me some suggestions for just about whatever and maybe I could try to implement the idea in somehow.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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