Chapter 6: The Random Game

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I couldn't believe it. He was standing right in front of my own eyes.

He didn't seem to notice me standing behind the door as he left but he hesitated and turned back to look at my bed, a look of love and guilt crossing over his features. He pulled the door closed quietly and went out of my room.

The moment he was out, I became the Flash. I pulled on a pair of blue tights and grabbed one of Nico's blood-red hoodies and shrugged it on, pocketing my phone. I ran towards the door, my fingertips landing on the knob softly.

Don't forget shoes, you genius!


I ran back to my bed and slipped on the pair of ugg boots that Marine had gotten for me last year.

The moment I slipped out my room was the moment I heard the front door lock. He had a key with him, so that must be how he got in. I ran downstairs, thankful for the fact that I wasn't too heavy as I glided over the hardwood floor. I drew back the curtain and looked out to see Nico walking away with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Once he had walked away from the house, I went out and locked the house behind me, the warmth of the hoodie securing me from the cold harsh wind.

I hid around bushes and trees as I followed my brother. He seemed to know where he was going.

He took a sharp left and I turned as well, narrowly missing a branch that would've poked my eye out. He swung his duffel bag up onto his shoulders and took another turn into an alley and continued to walk straight. I stood at the front of the alley, peeping at Nico.

There was a beaten-up red truck and he went behind it. Through the windows, I could see him open a door and duck inside, the rusty door creating a screeching noise as it closed.

I counted to five in my head and walked forward, pulling the red hoodie around me for a sense of safety. I reached the door and wrapped my fingers around the knob, only for it to stay closed. I grunted and saw a window that was caked with dust from inside and out. I wiped some of the dust away with my hand and stood my toes, my eyes pretty much reaching the edge.

I saw a few people walking here and there but no sight of Nico. As I tried to stand even higher, I tripped and put my hand out to steady myself, unfortunately on the glass. My sweaty palm made a sound at the contact and a burly guy turned his head towards me and squinted his eyes, accidently making eye contact with me.

"Shit!" In panic, I scrambled and ran from behind the truck. I tripped again but this time, I put my arms in front of me to break the fall and I turned, laying on the alley way. The door creaked open and I twisted my body. In two seconds, I found myself hidden under the truck. I saw two heavily booted feet moving around the truck, then I heard a grunt and the door snapping close.

I let out a breath of relief and slowly rolled out from under the truck. I dusted my tights and saw a fire escape ladder that led up to the roof.

I laid my hand onto the first rung and rust covered my fingers. Ignoring the feeling that the ladder might collapse under me, I took hold of rungs and began to climb. Around the seventh rung or something, it vibrated and I held the sides tight.

When I reached the top, I walked around the roof, when I spotted something. It was a skylight window, the glass tainted black. I made my way over to it, peeking into it. There was one spot in which the tint of the glass was peeling and inside, it showed me the gory view. The place was dimmed with colorful lights and there were men and guys of many ages walking around, girls and ladies who were dressed in colorful pieces of clothes that barely hid anything. I saw a bar in which there were 2 girl bartenders dressed the same way, except for a bow tie.

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