Chapter 13: Shut Up and Drive!

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Juniper's P.O.V.

What Nick did was so unexpected and startling. I held onto Lullabear, scared on what to do. Cody recovered quickly and was with Bongo, admiring an interesting motorcycle with a huge side car attached to it. I let go of Lullabear and rushed over to Bagheera, who was looking out the van door window with horror in his eyes. I looked out and my jaw fell open. From outside, on all fours was Anton and Soasire sprinting towards us with cold dead eyes locked on us. It was a terrifying sight. I scrambled towards the driver's seat but it was blocked by a cheap thin wire mesh. "Nick! Anton and Soasire are gaining on us!" I screamed in fear. I noticed he looked in the rear view mirror and gasped in shock. He accelerated the van even more but the panther and wolf didn't stop.

Nick's P.O.V.

'Must go faster!' I thought to myself as I slammed my paw down on the pedal. I quickly looked at the centerpiece next to me and noticed a Z phone and snatched it with my left paw and dialed the ZPD. "Hello, ZPD, Clawhauser speaking how may I help you?" Said Clawhauser over the phone. "Clawhauser!" I yelled loudly. "Nick?! Is that you?! Where are you?!" He shouted through the phone. "I don't know Claw, check the Rainforest District traffic cams now! I'm in the middle of driving a white van with all the missing kids and a crazy panther and wolf hot on my tail! Get Judy!" I screamed. "On it!" Clawhauser said sternly. The line went quiet, I panicked. I was speeding like crazy. All of a sudden, the van swerved, something had just slammed into the side of the van and I had a pretty good guess on what or who I should say rammed into us.

Judy's P.O.V.

I sat quietly in my office, looking at Nick's empty desk, saddened by the lack of his presence. I missed him and I missed my little sister. The door slammed open and I jumped in surprise. "Judy! *wheeze* Nick is *huff* on the phone!" Clawhauser panted as he rushed back to the front desk. I jolted upwards and ran to the front desk as well. "Wait what did you say Claw? Nick's on the phone?!" I yelled as I ran towards the desk. He nodded, too out of breath to speak. I jumbled to pick up the phone. "Nick!? Where are you? It's me, Judy!" I said panicking, holding the phone close to my ear. The line was dead quiet for a moment, anxiety replaced with fear. "Judy? It's me, Juniper. Nick umm, can't really come to the phone, he's driving." My little sister said worriedly, which only added more concern in my heart. "Oh Juniper, are you alright, I've been so worried!" I nearly cried. "I'm fine right n..." The line went dead for a few seconds and was replaced with a crashing sound and several screams of terror. "Juniper?! What's happening?!" I screeched,but the line was still silent.

Nick's P.O.V.

I gripped the steering wheel, trying to gain control of the swerving van, almost crashing. The kids screamed and I swiveled my head around to see the back door of the van wide open, Anton too close to the entrance. I noticed a motorcycle with a huge side car and an idea immediately sprung into my mind. Anton was losing us a little. "Everybody into the side car now!" I ordered. Bagheera, Cody, Lullabear, and Bongo scooted into the side car. "What about you Nick? How are you gonna start this while the van is moving?" Juniper hollered back at me. "Just trust me!" I yelled back. Without hesitation, Juniper got into the side car, the phone still in her paw. 'Here we go!' I thought to myself. I let go of the steering wheel and bolted to the back seat and broke through the wire mesh. I scrambled the key into the ignition and revved the motorcycle's engine and accelerated out of the back of the van right between Anton and Soasire, who looked at me dumbfounded. The van swiveled and crashed into the cement wall, causing a big explosion, vehicle parts flying everywhere.

Judy's P.O.V.

I heard a huge explosion, my eyes widened with fear, not knowing what the cause of such a noise was, fearing the worst. "Judy! I found them, they're about to enter Sahara Square, on a motorcycle." Clawhauser informed me. I exhaled with relief, glad that they weren't dead. I sprain onto the counter of the desk and peered over the computer, gazing at the traffic cam, seeing Nick driving a motorcycle was new for me but that we beside the point of the situation. Behind him, was an angry looking panther and wolf closing in on him with incredible speed.

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