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@Right there is our lumbering "dark stranger a.k.a count first story, enjoy!!!!
Story begins below
"Fetch the old coot immediately, i want to look into his pitiful eyes as i snap his neck!"

screamed a tall domineering count, standing by the the side of the huge black carriage. The three labourers, on hearing this, immediately stormed into the small house in the middle of the clearing while the count remained waiting, patiently by the carriage.

To any onlooker, he would appear invisible as his large frame was masked by the darkness of the night, only a white spec of colour was radiating from him which was from the white cravat he wore. he felt rather uncomfortable doing this in his expensive and formal waistcoat, he would rather have changed after finishing from the meeting, but there was no more time for waiting knowing fully well that that the old man could run away at anytime, he just had to collect the money which the old man owed.

Without having to wait for too long, the labourers came out with Nilus quivering and shaking terribly in their arms, almost wetting himself at the sight of the huge and domineering count. Before Nilus could start the tirade of pleas, he was unceremoniously dropped to the warm lush grass of his humble cottage and the tall dark stranger stepped into the glow casted by the moon and his hard, dark expression was seen immediately.

"for how long do you deem it fit that we drag this little issue out, Nilus?"

the count growled through gritted teeth. Immediately this was said, the old man started quivering on the floor even harder, he said in a shaky voice,

"Pardon me m'lord but with the death of Silas and my old age, it has been very difficult to even grace my vessel with a loaf of bread, i beg for more time to get back on my feet and resume going out to your docks."

Nikolaus had a scowl on his face as he listened to old man Nilus, he remembered Silas very well as he was one of the many workers at his docks, hoisting fish out for processing and canning in one of the count's many factories.

Nilus had probably been trying to rid him out with guilt with the knowledge that Silas died of malnutrition and exhaustion collapsing into the sea and drowning before others could help, but that wasn't happening today, he had stayed too long without collecting his debt.

"Enough!! you slimy bastard, you have evaded my attempts to corner you and collect my money and so i have decided to rid you of your sufferings in this world for you shall not see the crack of dawn!" he emphasised this by running up to Niles with inhuman speed and hoisting him up in the air, the old man was overtaken with a look of unbridled terror as he looked into the eyes of count Nikolaus, seeing only cold hatred swirling in the brown orbs.

The count immediately dropped Nilus on the floor and turned towards the forest path as he heard the pounding of hooves which could only come from a horse. Not too long after that, a white horse galloped into the clearing with an angel on its back.
The young man riding the horse was the most beautiful sight Nikolaus' eyes had ever grazed. He had skin as vibrant and as pale as fresh milk with soft delicate hands, his face was angelic to gaze upon with warm brown eyes, a perfect nose and beautiful pink lips surrounded by a light dusting of dark hair, on his head was a mop of beautiful black hair that coiled in some places and flowed in others reaching down to the nape of his neck, he was stirring strange feelings in the count which the man had never felt in his lifetime, and it was apparently the same for the labourers as they all had love struck expressions on their faces. Before the count could even utter a word, the young beauty immediately dismounted from the horse in a very graceful manner and ran to the old man who laid almost forgotten on the ground, hugging him and whispering one word softly which made the count dismiss the labourers immediately, who went off grumbling and cursing that they had beheld the most beautiful sight in the world and were being sent away, but the words uttered by the angel kept resounding in his ears,


So guys, hope you like it, this is my first story so general tips are welcome...... Thank you for reading and support me through votes!! Ohh.... And since my chapters are a bit lengthy, I may or may not be posting once in every two weeks

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