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Dorian was so engrossed in the book he had snatched from the library that he didn’t notice or feel the presence walking up to him in the courtyard, and so it was no surprise when he startled and flung the book in the air when a hand from nowhere landed on his shoulders, looking back to see the culprit, it was the one and only count.

‘’A fair noon sir, i didn’t know you had returned from your short trip, i hope you had a splendid time’’

‘’ahhhh... Yes, it was truly wonderful putting the new machinery together at the factories; makes work a a lot less stressful for the labourers. Listen, I’ve been meaning to speak to you for a while now and think this moment is the right time, would you mind if i joined you?’’

Dorian shook his head as he shifted to the edge of the bench, giving Nickolaus more than enough space,

‘’so! I suppose i should just cut to the chase already, you see I’ve been very rude to you lately and i can’t exactly excuse my character but i wanted you to know that it’s not because i hate, on the
contrary it’s because i do like you very much and in a different way, and it’s strange for me because until now I've always been satisfied with female companions but then i get this strange feeling when i look at you you, like the one i used to get when i laid eyes on the mother of my children before her passing,
and i feel so confused, i don’t even know how to act!’’

Dorian was stunned at this, he was more than shocked, Count Nickolaus had feelings for him? But the damned man was going to kill his father just months ago and he didn’t seem to like Dorian much at the begin so when did things change, the young lad thought hard as he tried to replay Nickolaus’ words in his head.

‘’you know you don’t have to feel pressured into giving me an answer now, i know this must be shocking news’’

he laughed nervously and Dorian’s eye widened instantly, what happened to the arrogant, unfeeling count and who was this stranger tapping his feet wildly like a nervous wreck!!

‘’i would leave you to ponder on my words then Dorian, see you soon’’ He said, already getting up to leave before he added,

‘’oh! I forgot to mention! There is a royal ball tonight at the castle, something about celebrating the return of the king from his hunting trip or some nonsense of that sort, it’s nothing big so i thought i should ask your hand as my escort and i won’t take no for answer, this is me making things right for the wrong i committed on Lasos coming of age feast. I’ll send Thon to your room in the evening with a waistcoat which i would really want you to wear, Goodbye Dorian, and do remember to return that book while you are attempting to hide, i never knew you were one for folklore.’’

Dorian blushed red at the count’s retreating back, and there he was thinking he was discrete with
the book!! Oh well, he thought before his mind landed on the main bone of contention!


His mind seemed to melt at this! It was almost unbelievable but he had heard it with his own ears!

He was going to step his tiny feet in the vast ballroom of the great Vellthumbrian fort! He was going to meet the king and the queen!! He was going to meet all the nobility that controlled Vellthumbria and he was almost certain he would die of excitement very soon if he didn’t contain his childish mind
but it just seemed too good to be true.

Was the count lying to him? Or was he trying to make a fool out of him? Well there was only one
way to find out.

He was just making his way into the manor when Lasos ran into him making him fall back on the ground like a child,

He looked around trying to regain his bearing when he spotted Lasos trying to stand up while clutching his bloody side.

Immediately, Dorian sprung into action, supporting Lasos as they hurriedly made their way to his

Opening the Door, Dorian laid him gently on the bed and tore off his shirt, revealing a bloody gash on his side than must have opened when he hit Dorian, and so he fled to the washroom returning shortly with a wet washcloth and a bowl,

‘’Lasos, what is this? Where did you get this from? It looks like the teeth mark left by an animal’’

The boy kept silent as he gently washed the wound, putting more pressure which caused a wince
and a muffled gasp, he gave Lasos a patronising look,

‘’i won’t ask again’’

‘’I just fought with some friends, it wasn’t really a big issue, we have these little.... trainings all the time!’’
‘’Lasos you friends do not happen to be beasts,  are they? These bite marks look terrible and i’m almost certain it would leave a scar. Now i know you do not trust me very much but please take proper care of yourself, not for but for your family, Isidor looks up to you more than you realise’’

They were both quiet at this,

‘’i’ll go get the jar of healing salve from the kitchen, i suppose you wouldn’t want your father to
know about this so i’ll keep silent’’

Lasos nodded gratefully to him before Dorian left the room.
In a few moments he had prepared and applied the salve and even wrapped a clean cloth around the wound to keep it clean.
When he was finished, Lasos stood up, encasing him in a tight embrace and whispering,
‘’Thank you Dorian, you mean much more to than you realise, do not every think for one moment i do not trust you’’

Dorian returned the embrace as a smile bloomed across his face,
‘’Just be careful and try to spend more time with your grandfather, he really misses you even though he doesn’t voice it.’’

Lasos patted his back as he nodded before disappearing,
Finally, evening had come and Dorian had spent all day worrying if the count was telling the truth and he was truly bothered by the possibility of actually going to the ball, but then he had no choice,

or so he lied to himself, in his heart of heart, he was just DYING to attend with the count at his side.

It was almost time to leave now and true to the count’s words, a fine white waistcoat with goldenembroidery and thread had been waiting on his bed.
He greatly appreciated how everything fit tightly to his body in the right places, it even made his rear look embarrassingly plumper than it was.

To everyone in the manor, he was simply a breathe stealing sight, Nickolaus couldn’t take his eyes off  him while Lord Byron and the children teased him to no end making him fluster up.

They had boarded the carriage and the ride was surprisingly pleasant, Nickolaus tried to make small talk as he told Dorian about himself and learnt new things about Dorian in return, it almost looked like they were becoming friends!

The carriage rolled to a stop which made Dorian more nervous and even jittery and he was startingto consider running home! But the count had already seized his hand, giving it a reassuring squeezeBefore smiling encouragingly at him,

‘’Ready to steal away all the attention to ourselves my lord?’’

Dorian laughed whole heartedly at this and his mood was lifted as he nodded his head in
affirmation with a dazzling smile while taking Nickolaus hand and jumping down the carriage in a
graceful manner, the night seemed young and promising, a great opportunity to put all that training at Northwood to good use.


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