Day Two

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Dan looked at me, his eyes locked with mine, "Olli...I just want to say that I've like you for a while now but I couldn't tell you because-" He looked down and put in hand on mine. I can't believe he actually likes me...I had just given up after we had been friends for so long... i had pushed back my feelings for him... damn it. He eyes moved to my face again, he leaned in, this was happening... OH. MY. FCKING. GOD. THIS IS HAPPENING!! He's about to kiss me!!! Wait why's there music playing?? Holy shit the ground is shaking...wut?...what!? are you kidding me?!

I pushed my phone of the bed and tried to get back to sleep but no luck. I knew that if I didn't get up now i never would... i rolled around for about 5 minutes, the whole time my phone had been buzzing on the ground and repeating the song. I fell out of bed and washed before getting dressed. Same morning routine over and over, it was almost like i was still at school... but worse because I was alone. I grabbed my keys, phone and bag like every other day and slammed my door behind me. Then as usual I ran into Tom on the way to work and we walked together.

"Hey Tommy" I panted after having to almost fall down the stairs...Smooth Olli, as always. 

"Right Ols? You're looking a bit flustered..." He raised his eyebrow at me. Me? Flustered? no way! i mean come on.

"No I'm good, I was just a bit behind that's all" Tom just nodded at my reply before unlocking the shop and letting me in. About half an hour later we had opened and it was already busy, though today no one but me, Tom and the chef where working... great. 

this was hell.......... I think I've only seen our boss come into the shop about once in the year I've been working here but tom tells me I'm over exaggerating, our boss literally goes to every one of the cafes but this sure of it...

Same as everyday I skipped lunch and worked the extra hour with Tom. around 1 i was starving but the thought of eating made me feel worse then the hunger. "You have to have something Ols, please?" Tommy told me while sitting on the kitchen counter out back munching some full filled sandwich thing. "No, I'm good Tom.." I reassured him.

He jumped off the counter finishing his sandwich and snaked his arm around my waist to pull me in for a hug "just promise me you'll snap out of this one day yeah?" he looked down at me. I tried my hardest to keep a steady smile on my face when I told him "One day." He smiled at went to the basement to get something while I walked back into the front shop to see a queue of people.. I seriously walk away for five seconds and this happens? 

I double-taked when I saw who standing at the front of the queue. I didn't expect DAN F*CKING HOWELL TO BE STANDING THERE DID I?!?!?

"uh.. hi what can I get you?" I smiled at him and he did the same back asdfghjkl he ordered the same as yesterday and went to sit down. Tom covered the other customers while I took the food over to Dan, ''thanks'' i almost keeled over...right there.

"I wasn't expecting you to be back" I leaned to get some dishes that where on the table.

"I don't know," He said, "for some reason I just couldn't help but coming again," he winked "Olivia?" he asked look at a badge hooked round my jeans.

"well I prefer Olli... or Ols" I had time to say before I was called of by Tom.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2013 ⏰

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