Chapter 16

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The next day I don't see Tyler at all but I'm still too freaked out by our previous encounter to go looking for him. Instead I go through the day, attentive to my senses, waiting to see if my newfound ability reveals itself again. Nothing happens. I go home, mentally exhausted and physically drained.

The next few days are similar. Each day, Tyler enters the nursery, but he always keeps to the other side and only stays for a couple of minutes. There was no feeling; no sensation to tell me that what happened in the field room was not just part of my imagination.

On the fourth day, I build up enough confidence to leave the nursery during lunch and follow Tyler. He takes the elevator where I lose him temporarily. I check a few levels until I see him on the -12th level in the common room.

Tyler sits in the corner with a group of officers who chatter together in loud obnoxious voices. I notice that he doesn't pay attention to them. His eyes are trained on someone with black hair across the room. My eyes hone in on the figure and with a start I realize the figure is Luca. I nearly choke as my senses grasp my observation. Does Tyler think Luca has an ability? That would be crazy, I tell myself, but a little voice inside my head reminds me of Luca's charisma and and his uncanny ability of convincing people to do something they normally would not do.

I feel sick to my stomach, as if someone is taking a baseball bat and beating my insides over and over again.

Movement from his side catches my attention. To my surprise, I notice it's Sophia. I didn't know that they even knew each other.

Luca gets up and then Sophia. They push in their chairs and leave the room. In that exact moment, Tyler says goodbye to his officer friends and exits the room, right after Luca and Sophia.

I get up and leave the room after them, but I'm too late. The hallway is empty. I search the different corridors for a few minutes but then give up and go back to the nursery.

I see Tyler there. His presence takes me by surprise and I automatically disappear into the closest closet. I lean against the back of the dark small space to regain my composure. I breath in, and then out, in and then out.

Carefully I open the closet and step out. I let out the breath I had been holding. No one noticed.

I walk over to the closest baby and I begin fiddling with his blankets and baby clothes while keeping my eyes trained on Tyler.

My heart stops when I notice who he's talking to: Sophia.

All of a sudden the pieces finally click into place, like a distorted painting finally becoming clear.

Sophia is the one with the ability.

My feet move underneath me involuntarily. Like some force pushing them forward. Maybe it was my concern for Sophia that drove me. I honestly don't know, but within seconds I was in front of her, staring angrily up at Tyler.

My body feels numb and my senses are on high alert. Tyler stops talking and gapes at me. He wears a look of complete surprise. I keep my calm.

"Why have you been stalking Sophia?"

"Raegan!" Sophia squeals behind me, wiggling past. I turn and give her a hard glare. She shuts up.

Tyler looks uncomfortable. "What do you mean?"

I repeat my question. "Why have you been following Sophia around?"

He laughs nervously. "Just because I talk to her doesn't mean I'm following her."

He's dancing around my question. "So are you stalking her?"

"Of course not!" His face is red and hot.

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