W H O O N E A R T H I S T H I S ? ? ?

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• Your P.O.V •

I was placed on a black blanket with a pink knitted cushion between Elizabeth and Ciel. Elizabeth, or Lizzy as she wanted to be addressed as, was rambling ln about how soft my fur was. "Come on Ciel, stroke her! I can tell your somehow not allergic to this one." She exclaimed. Ciel reached out and stroked my head. I nuzzled into him which made Elizabeth squeak and Ciel blush. "She likes you!~ ❤❤" Lizzy squealed with joy. Ciel just sat there staring at me and then he continued ln with his meal. Sebastian gave me a small dish with a tiny pile of carefully diced salmon. I ate slowly as everyone watched me. Two blonde boys and a red headed girl came in and started 'awwwwing' with Lizzy. I finished and tried to get onto the table from my blanket on the chair between the Ciel and Lizzy. I slipped ln the table cloth before landing onto Ciel's lap. Elizabeth picked me up and put me onto her lap. "Sebastian, could you retrieve some milk for her?" She asked. Sebastian bowed and soon came out with a saucer of warm milk. I drank it and soon fell asleep on Lizzy.

• Ciel's P.O.V •

She was so soft and small. I couldn't help but smirk when she fell of the table though. She was a very clumsy little thing. Soon after Elizabeth asked for milk, Sebastian came out and the kitten drank it. I watched as she fell asleep on Elizabeth's lap. It was getting dark outside and Lizzy was getting ready to go.

~ Once Elizabeth is gone ~

"Where will the young kitten sleep my lord?" Sebastian asked. I pointed to a soft chair next to my bed and he put the kitten down. She mewed a little before stretching and falling back to sleep. Sebastian changed me and soon blew out the candles. "Goodnight, Young Master and kitten." He said before closing the door. I fell into what seemed to be a never ending pit of dreams and nightmares. I woke up at 6:27 am just before Sebastian would normally start preparing breakfast. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I then looked over to the chair to see a girl. My eyes widened. She looked to be around 14 years old (around Ciel's age in my story) with (H/L) (H/C). I looked around the sides of her head to find she had no ears, but then... I saw something twitching on top of her perfectly formed head. Cat ears.... I then went to look at her clothes only to find she want wearing any. I'm pretty sure by this point, I looked like a strawberry. A (H/C) tail was swinging around. I tried to pinch myself. I tried to make myself believe it was a dream. It didn't work, I pinched myself so hard I started to bleed on the covers. The girl got up and stretched. She then walked toward me and started to lick my pinch wound. It turns out I had stuck my nail into my arm quite deep. I asked for her name but she only used sign language. 'Who could this be?' I thought. Then I remembered... THE KITTEN?!?!? Where on earth was it? Wait. She couldn't be... I opened my eyes so wide they felt like they were going to launch into the atmosphere.

• You're P.O.V •

"Whats your name?" Ciel asked. I was afraid to speak just in case he had a whip with him like my other master so I just used sign language. He nodded and I continued to lick his wound. I realised I wasn't wearing any clothes and jumped back. For my age, I was said to have the figure of a 19 year old. People said I should be a model when they passed me in the market. That's what my other master promised me when he took me in with open arms. He promised that I would be a model if I worked for him as a maid.

F l a s h b a c k . . .

The market was very busy and you we're begging for money. Your clothes where clean even though you had been ln the streets since six days ago. Your parents manor had burnt down and they had both passed away. It turns out that assassins where searching for you and instead ended up burning down your manor. The only choice you had was to be strong and survive in the streets. The assassins where searching for you day and night. Their master wanted you as a slave for his pleasures. When the assassin master Yuki found out you where a neko, he wanted you even more. Yuki was a 17 year old who was the lord of the assassins. He would terminate anything in his path to find you. He used to be your friend when you where 4 and he was 7 but that all changed when he moved away and became an assassin. He became obsessed with you and started to get his minions to stalk you everywhere you went but once you escaped the ruins of the manor, he lost track of you and now you were in the streets. While you we're actually out in the streets homeless, your ears and tail where not showing as you had taken a pill that had lasted a year. That was the last pill ever made. One day, a man came up to you and complimented your figure. He asked if you would like to be a model, there was only one condition, you would have to be his personal maid in a household of only males. You thought hard and accepted the offer. That's the day your life changed.. all on your 11th birthday..

E N D O F F L A S H B A C K . . .

I remembered where I was and immediately ran behind the chair. He undid his shirt and wrapped it around me. He was taller than me and it came down to my shins. I purred and signed out a 'thank you'. Just then, the door swung open. "Young master, tis ti-" he saw you and ran over to Ciel who was in his black boxers. "Sebastian, take your guard down, she is a guest remember?" Sebastian looked confused but then it hit him and he backed away to open the curtains.

• Sebastian's P.O.V •

I backed away realizing what my master was saying. I opened the curtains and then went behind the girl. I asked if she was wearing undergarments and she shook her head. Then, she opened up some sort of projection menu and selected a set of (F/C) bra and pants. It then appeared on her body. The young lords shirt appeared back on her and she selected an outfit. It soon appeared on my master. (A/N Is this becoming Sword art online and Mirai Nikki Future Diary?) (Yuki is from MNFD)

H e r e I s H i s O u t f i t ❤

H e r e I s H i s O u t f i t ❤

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I was impressed. It seemed that the lord was too. "Sebastian, her name is (F/N) (L/N)." He then came and whispered into my ear. "Find out information about her." I bowed and left the room.

• You're P.O.V •

I got on my hands and knees and followed Ciel. I preferred being down low as when standing up, it hurt my back now. He looked at me strangely but sighed and continued to the dining hall. I saw Ciel's shoelaces where undone and so I pounced. I started to play with them while rolling around. He was blushing. I looked confused but then ran off with his shoelace under the table. Ciel chased me around trying to get his lace when I finally gave up. I tied them for him and waited for him to sit. I was really tired still and so I lay on his lap. I was only small. The only big thing on me was my 'junk in the trunk' and up top. I nuzzled into him and soon fell asleep...

~ Meanwhile at the Trancy Manor ~

"CLAUDE ITS BEEN A WHOLE NIGHT! I'M WORRIED ABOUT HER!!" Alois yelled whilst holding the demon sword. Hannah looked terrified when he told he to go to him. "IF SHE ISN'T HERE WHEN I COUNT DOWN FROM 3, I WILL KILL HANNAH! 3 ...... 2 ...... 1 ......0!"
He plunged it into Hannah's heart and she fell to the ground. The triplets rushed in and cleaned up her lifeless body...

T O  B E  C O N T I N U E D . . .

A/N sorry this chapter is very short... my neck really hurts from typing on a tablet for ages ●︿●

L o s t A N D F o u n d ( Ciel X Sebastian X Reader X Alois X Claude )Where stories live. Discover now