You find yourself running from your old master Shinkichi Chikanatsu and are soon discovered by what you think to be a well trained Butler. But soon are you to discover that your new master is a young boy whom falls in love with you as does his Butle...
Warning: This chapter contains a lemon. You have been Warned. Also, I made that Nightcore. ☝ This Chapter is mainly for Otaku-Chan18 as she really wanted a lemon... I'm sorry about this next note as well... This is the last chapter of this story as I'm going to start new ones now that I have more experience... Sorry for those who are enjoying this story, it's just I decided to end it here.
What happened Last Time: Alois trailed kisses all down (Y/n)'s neck and soon started to bite her flesh. She wriggled around trying to escape. Alois soon undressed her until she was in her under garments and soon undressed himself. Everyone in the room watched....
•°No-Ones P.O.V°•
He gripped tightly onto her arms pinning her to the bed before slowly starting to thrust in and out. Tears started streaming down (Y/n)s cheeks as she tried to scream for Ciel and Sebastian. (She has a blindfold on) Alois soon moaned and flopped on the bed beside her panting. Claude did the same while massaging her left breast. She continued to cry and scream for Her two friends, begging for help. Claude soon flopped on the bed next to her as well before falling asleep. (Yes demons do sleep as told in Black Butler Book of circus) Ciel opened his right eye and yelled "Sebastian, I order you, Get me and (Y/n) out of here!" Sebastian bowed his head before breaking his chains and Ciels. (He had time to recharge his powers) He slung Ciel over his shoulder before breaking (Y/n)s chain and picking her up. He smashed a window and ran back to the manor.
Sebastian healed Ciel and then they proceeded to wait for (Y/n) To wake up. When she did, she saw them looking over her bed and smiled weakly. "Good to see you too..." She murmured. "A-alois and Claude r-raped me..." She mumbled under her breath. Ciel hugged her. "(Y/n) there's something I want to ask you... You don't know me very well and I know Sebastian Alois and Claude love you as well.. But (Y/n)" he got on one knee. "W-will you marry me?" He blushed as Sebastian looked very surprised. "Well Ciel... Of course!" She jumped up and forgot about Alois and Claude.. "Phew.. I broke of the engagement to Lizzy for this. I didn't tell her who the other girl was as she only knows your a cat. (Y/n) nodded.
~ 7 years later ~ (by the way, you are full demon now and so is Ciel.)
•You're P.O.V•
Me and Ciel where about to go to sleep when he sat on top of me. I gave him a puzzled look as he started to remove our clothing. " I was gonna ask you if you wanted to maybe have a child? We are 19 after all and 19 is the age that we stay forever." I nodded as he continued to take off our clothes and then ask, "ready?" I nodded once again as he slowly pushed inside of me and then proceeded to get faster and faster. I moaned and arched my back as his warm liquids leaked inside of me. (So awkwarddd writing thissss) he flopped next to me and we fell asleep snuggled next to each other.
~ The Birth ~
I screamed and breathed heavily. "Come on Dear only a few more pushes!" The nurse said. I pushed a few more times before I saw my new born baby girl. I cried as the nurse cut the ambilacle cord and wrapped her up in a blanket. Ciel held her as tears fell down his cheeks. I wiped them away and put my arms out as he smiled and gave her to me. "We should name her Sakura.." We spoke on sync and then laughed. "She's perfect." I said before kissing her soft head. I looked to the door and saw Sebastian walk in. He saw Sakura's cat ears and tail as well as her red eyes. He took her from me and hugged her lovingly. "She's a little demon neko, just like her mother." He said smirking. "Would you like to be the godfather Sebastian?" "Or in our case, Satan father" Ciel laughed. "I would be honoured Mistress. Completely honoured.."
And that is the end of this weird and slightly boring story. (I thought my story was boring.) I hope you enjoyed it and I want you all to know that I'm making a Cheater! Levi x reader x Eren called The secretary so stay tuned for that. Thanks for reading my book my beautiful fans~!
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