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I picked Ava and Isaac the next day after last night with Cameron.

"Cameron!" I yell through the house once again lost.

When Cam and I weren't together I forgot the way around his huge freaking house.

"What babe?!" Cam yells from a different room.

"I can't find my contacts!" I sigh

"Wear your glasses!" We keep yelling back in forth

"No I hate them!" I groan.

"Babe come in here we are gonna wake the twins!" he screams

I walk into the bedroom where Cam was laying down with my glasses on his face and my contacts in his hands.

"Cam hand them over" I said angrily

He takes off my glasses and hands them to me.

"I ment the contacts." I say snatching my glasses away from him.

He smirks and opens the box up and throws them out The window

"Cameron!" I scream while running to the window.

"Looks like you need your glasses now" Cam smirks again

"Why would you Do that!?" I shove him.

"You need to wear your glasses. You look cute in them.

I groan and put them on because I couldn't see.

"See beautiful!" Cam kisses me

I refuse to kiss him back which pissed him off.

"Hey!" He said angrily.

I laugh and run around the house. He caught up to me and shoved me against the wall.

"You owe me a kiss" Cam brings his face closer.

Just then one of the babies start to cry.

"Saved by cry!" I get out of his grib and run upstairs.

"Isaac your such a cry baby" I laugh picking him up.

I changed Isaac and he stopped crying. I layed him back his crib. I feel someone grab my arm and tackle me to the ground. Cam is now on top off me pinning my arms down above my head.

"Now kiss me." Cam looked angry.

I lean up and kiss him on lips. He deepens the kiss and rocking his hips into mine.

"We're in the kids room and I'm planning the wedding" I moan softly.

"So" Cam says kissing my neck

"I need to plan the wedding"

"Mhm" Cam says finding my sweet Spot and start sucking on it

I moan loudly waking Ava up.

"Good job you woke Ava up" I said kicking Cam off of me.

I got up and picked Ava up and rocked her. All she did was kept crying.

"Here she may be hungry" Cam offers to take Ava.

I hand him Ava. I ran to the kitchen and put a bottle in the microwave warming it up. I took it out after it was down and handed it to Cam. As he was trying feed Ava I went back to my lap top in the living room.

"Babe She isn't hungry." Cam walked in the living room

Ava kept screaming and coughing.

"She seems sick. Do you think we can go to the doctor?" I ask standing up.

"She doesn't seem warm?" Cam feels Ava head.

"Then what's wrong?" I think out loud.

"Do you think it's her breathing? When she was born She had that cord around her neck."

"Maybe we should take her to the doctor to see it's her breathing" Cam says rocking Ava.

"Let me grab the keys and change you dress the twins."

"Uh remember last time I changed the twins." Cam shakes his head and his eyes widen.

I start to remember and I began to laugh.

"Fine I'll take the twins you start the car." I take Ava from his arms.

I go upstairs and put Ava in jeans and a sweatshirt that says Magcon on it and slip her little shoes on her. I dress Isaac in a button up shirt and jeans with his shoes on. I lay them both down and I went to go change. I slip on dark wash skinny jeans and a black crop top that says "Cameron Dallas's girl" cause why not I am. I slip on black flats and throw my hair in a messy bun leaving my glasses off.
I grab the bag and grab the twins and strab them in their car seat. I take them outside and Cam buckles them in the car seat.

"Nice shirt babe" Cam chuckles.

"Thanks!" I giggle.

We both get in the car and drove to the doctors. We got out after we hit the doctor office. We walked inside and sign in.

"What if something wrong with Ava" I look at Ava who was still whining.

"Ava Dallas" A nurse comes out.

Cam grabs Ava out of her car seat and I grab Isaac. We walk with the nurse

"Im nurse Amanda how are you?" She asks looking at Cam.

Amanda looked like she was 19-20 She had reddish Brown hair and blueish gray eyes. She was short and skinny.

"We're good but something is wrong with OUR daughter." I said our really loud so she knows we are a couple.

She rolls her eyes taking Ava away from me and measuerd her and stuff.

"So what's happening?" She asks looking at Cam the whole time.

"She keeps coughing and crying. We think it's her breathing the cord got wrapped around her neck." Cam says

"I see." she said looking into Ava's throat. "She may have Asthma. Do any of you smoke?" Amanda asks.

"No" I say sharply.

She reaches Ava down to one of us and I hold me hands out. She jerks Ava away from me and hands her to Cam.

"Pardon me but that is my daughter too so if I want her I can!" I scream at her.

She rolls her eyes and leaves the room.

"Jealous much" Cam smirks.

"No it's my daughter" I get pissed

The doctor walks in with a small inhaler. She puts it in Ava mouth a pumps it twice. Ava stops crying at last.

"Thank you" I say thankfully

"Whatever" she hands the inhaler to me.

She rights on a piece on paper and hands it to Cam.

"Call me" She whispers.

"I can fucking hear you!" I yell.

"Schlampe!" Amanda said Slut in German

I slap her across the face "Lack Mich am Arsch" I said kiss my ass in German.

Cam grabs my arm and the twins and pull me out of the office.

"Woah calm down." Cam chuckles.

"Ich will Nach Hause gehen" I say I want to go home in German by accident.

"I can't uderstand you" Cam looks confused.

I shake my head and translated it in English.

"So when your mad you speek German I see. That turns me.." Cam kisses the love bit he gave me earlier that I forgot to cover up.

"Lets just go home" I say pulling him away.

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