Morning Tussle

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Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo ghoul or its characters

The harsh morning sunlight streamed through the cracks of the blinds on KinKäds face. With a pained groan, she sat up and hissed at the bright light. Fuck. my. fucking life...Maybe I was a vampire in a past life because I hate waking up in the morning.

Looking down at her bare chest KinKäd yawned and slung her duvet off her legs. Standing up with a stretch, she scratch her stomach a few times to relieve the itch. Trudging into her bathroom Kiki set to work on brushing her teeth, showering, and putting on a pair of underwear.

KinKäd hummed in satisfaction after she finished her morning ritual and strutted out of her room in only her underwear to make a huge pot of Jo. French Vanilla creamer sounds good. I wish I could have my coffee black without shit face trying to drink it. I wonder if he's awake though? Smirking coyly Kiki skipped out of her room to see if Uta was awake and if he wasn't she was prepared to wake him up in the worst way possible.

Walking into the living room KinKäd saw Uta sitting on the couch shirtless with a cup of black coffee on the side table and his sketchbook in his lap. Glancing up Uta mumbled good morning before his head whipped back around to stare at Viktorya's bare chest with wide eyes.

"You got your nipples pierced?" he said in awe.KinKäd raised an eyebrow lazily and replied yes.

"Why are you walking around shirtless without a bra?"

"This is my house I can walk around however I want to and you've seen me naked already so why does it matter?!"

Uta hummed in agreement. "Well you're  distracting me."

KinKäd snorted. "From what?"


"In what?"

"My sketchbook."

"From where?"

"Under the sofa."

"Why was it there?!"

"Because I left it last time."


Kikis eyes widened in realization. "So I'm distracting?" She smirked coyly.

Uta's eyes narrowed at the tone she was using. He knew that tone and he knew it meant trouble. Slowly with a steady voice he said yes. His eyes widened when he saw Kiki slowly walk completely out from her bedroom door frame with a fake innocent expression on her face.

Sliding up the couch on her hands and knees. She subtly tilted her head to the side and blinked owlishly at Uta as she continued to crawl towards him. When she got close enough she flung his sketchbook off his lap. Not that he noticed, he was far more interested in other things.

Uta watched mesmerized as she slid her legs over his to straddle his hips suggestively. Arching her back he felt her nipple piercings lightly brush against his skin. Uta felt his mind go blank when she pressed her bare chest on him. Trailing her nails down his neck, she blew on his ear.

"How distracting am I?" She whispered seductively.

"Very distracting," he breath out.

Uta felt heat rush to his crotch almost instantly.KinKäd was making him hot and bothered and he was going to show her just how distracting she really was. Pulling her down on his erection he switched their positions and grinded slowly on her core. Blowing softly on her throat, he licked up the side of her face with a smirk.

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