Feeding Satan

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Utas face went blank. What a demon?! Trying to manipulate me. All she thinks about is food.

"How dare you Kiki. How dare you."

With a heavy sigh Uta untangled KinKäd's legs from around his waist and sat back on his feet to catch his breath. Chuckling humorlessly to himself Uta wrapped a pale hand around the tattoo on his neck. Where does this aggressive female fit into the spectrum?

"You're something else," he murmured as he got up and walked off.

KinKäd sat up on her elbows with shock plastered on her face. That was...weird?! He's always been really dull in the facial expressions, but that one was dull as fuck. Always watching others around him like he's playing out scenarios in his head, but I've never -WAIT this hoe is supposed to be feeding me! Where is he going?!

"Where the fuck do you think you're going, asshole? Feed me," she yelled after his retreating figure. With no reaction from him she panicked. "Uta pleasssssse?! Utaaaaaaaa, I'm hungry!"

Kiki whined loudly and started rolling on the floor and kicking her legs in random directions; just flailing about like a child. She looked like she was having a seizure.

"Feed me! I want food-NO!!! I need food. As a healthy functioning female I need to eat at LEAST twice a day. Breakfast should be my biggest meal."

Uta only went to the guest room to get his tank-top for KinKäd to wear. She wasn't gonna put her clothes on cause then she'd have to wash them when they got dirty. He knew how she operated. I'm not going to have her flashing me if she doesn't remotely enjoy my company. She's not cutesy like the stereotypical American girls I heard about. I heard they were easy to manipulate and fuck. Maybe I should ask an American male.

When Uta walked back into the living room he found KinKäd laying face down on the floor panting. Ha, finally wore herself out. She's such a dork.

Strolling into the kitchen too casually to not be suspicious, Uta got two more coffee mugs to make a hot cup of Jo for the both of them. He likes to get multiple cups and leave them laying out in random spots for KinKäd to find later; it pisses her off.

Uta paused in silent amusement. He remembered when Kiki went 'missing' for five days. She didn't answer any of his calls. He had even got Itori to let him use her phone to call her because, it would be an unknown number. She usually answers them just to be annoying and say something stupid like, 'Joes whore house; you got the dough, we got the hoe.'

It went to voicemail after endless ringing. So, her phone wasn't turned off she's just ignoring every call. At first he thought she had been eaten, but the spy that Uta had Itori plant inside the shop across from her job said she hadn't come in since that last Wednesday. No one knows that she lives above the store and he'd like to keep it that way; can't have his toy dying before the fun started. Just interesting to see what made her react the way she did.

"Are you done acting like a child," he questioned with his back turned to her in disinterest. He furrowed his brow at his thoughts from earlier. Should I ask? Will the beast punch me? That violent feminist monster.

"What's wrong? Sweetheart," KinKäd questioned in sarcasm. Climbing up his back to drape herself over him, she wrapped her legs around his waist in a standing piggyback. She took the gray tank-top from off his shoulder and struggled to put it on.

"Fuck off," Uta hissed.

KinKäd felt her blood pulse and her pupils dilate. How dare he?! Worthless male scum. She grinned evilly and latched onto Uta's jaw beside his ear and bit him as hard as she could.

"Are you always this violent," he sighed.

KinKäd just hummed in response to busy licking up the blood drops on Uta's jaw in long strips. Leaving a trail of soft nibbles to let him know she could strike again at a moments notice.

"Stop licking me," Uta whined while trying to shrug her off despite tilting his head to the side for better access. Setting their coffees down Uta lifted KinKäd higher to make sure she didn't slip and fall off.

"Why is it that whenever I hurt you, no matter how many times I punch, bite, or stab you, you never hit or bite me back? What are you thinking in that head of yours," she whispered in his ear.

"I-," Uta's thoughts cut short. I think I like you. You'd be breathtaking as a ghoul. He grabbed Kikis arm from around his shoulders and twisted her around to sit in front of him. Startled KinKäd grabbed Uta's shoulders to steady herself.

"Hey, the coffee's right behi-," she was cut off with Uta's hands framing her face to stop her from looking away. Rubbing his thumbs along her cheek bones; he stared deep into her eyes searching.

"KinKäd I-," he started. I want to kill you, tear you apart, devour you, then watch you bounce back. Please KinKäd, show me everything. Uta let out an amused hum. "Kiki... I wanna know what you want to eat for breakfast."

"I WANT TO EAT THE UNBORN," she squealed in delight.

"Sooo...eggs," he said.

"Well I wants alls the good stuffs too," she replied as she tucked his bangs behind his ear; trying to butter him up enough so he'd actually do it.

"Alright, but only because I luv you~," he said; tucking her hair behind her ears in return. "Got a hair-tie? Need one?"

"Yes please," was her reply. "Gotta tie them bangs up."

"Thought so," he said. Pulling a hair tie out of his pocket. "Here."

"Thanks," she said while tying her bangs up above her forehead and leaving the rest of her hair out around her shoulders.

Pecking KinKäd softly on the forehead as Uta got to work on feeding his evil human monster. She had forced him to learn to cook her favorite American meals when she finally accepted to go on romantic dates with him; instead of their regular outings designed for her to pay off her debt.

"Go take a nap or something. Just get out my face so I can cook," Uta pushed.



"Mhmmmm...Uta you cook pretty good for someone who doesn't eat," KinKäd hummed between bites. "You sure you not hungry?"

"I'm sure."

"You say that, but I never see you eat anything except for those eye gummies. You only drink coffee too. You might need to cut back on the caffeine man. Why you're up all night," Kiki hummed in thought eyeing Utas body up and down. How does he stay fit if he's not burning any carbs or protein?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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