Mable was in again today, she seemed some what different though. Her eyes didn't shine like they normally do, she looked rather sluggish and slow, she was slouching and her face was red like she had just finished crying.
I walked up to the counter with her usual order and she paid. I wanted to ask what was wrong or where she had been, but she was very quiet and it seemed like she didn't want to talk.
I thought about following her home to see where she was and to make sure everything was okay, but I decided that might look a little stalker like, so I decided to write a letter to her and I will put it in with the box of muffins the next time she comes.📝
Dear Mable,
My name is Corbyn and I work at Mama's Muffins. My moms are the ones that own it. Anyways, I noticed you were gone for awhile and I just wanted to make sure everything is okay... I know I shouldn't worry about you considering I've never met you in person but I really truly worry that somethings wrong.
I know that you are probably busy but I would like to meet you someday, but that's only if you want to. Anyways if you ever need anyone to talk to or you need anything, you can give me a call or come by my house and I can do whatever you need me to. If you would ever like too you could text or email me, or if you want I would love if you came by Mamas Muffins (I live on the upper floor). Have a good day Mable.

One In A Dozen
RomanceHer name is Mable. She is the most beautiful and gentle girl I have ever laid eyes on. The only thing I know about her is that everyday she comes in and orders a dozen muffins: one banana nut, one blueberry, one lemon poppyseed, three chocolate, and...