Chapter 1: Play boy

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Why am I a play boy?

I have 376 fangirls and school. And had at least 67 girlfriends, and got engaged to 22 of them. Obviously we didn't get married because I'm 18! Who gets married at that age? Anyway right now I'm in class staring bluntly at the wall. The best thing about school is the girls. Well besides the door of getting out. The bell rings. I stand up. "The bell doesn't dismiss you. I do." The teacher says. "Well then what is the point of the bell then?" I say annoyingly and walk out of the classroom. I put my stuff away and go to the lunchroom. I sit down next to Garroth, Dante, and Travis. "Oh hey Laurance, we were just talking about you engagement to Lucinda." Garroth snickered. "Well you can have her, I'm breaking it off." I say. "That's Laurance alright." Travis says. Katelyn, Aphmau, Lucinda, and Kawaii~Chan comes and sits next to us. "I'm breaking off the engagement Lucinda." I say not giving her eye contact. "That's the 5th time so I've gotten use to it." She says rolling her eyes and playing with her food. I noticed Aphmau was staring at something. I looked behind me. Aaron? I snicker. "What?" Dante asks. "Aphmau, you like Aaron? What a taste." I say. She blushes and looks away hesitantly and looks down. I knew Garroth wasn't happy about this. He likes Aphmau. But why? She wears glasses and looks like a geek. Whatever, I'll stick to the hot girls like Katelyn and Lucinda. "I'll be leaving first." I say. I walk to the counter and put my food down. I stop and check my phone. I heard the bell ring. As soon I put my phone away I crashed into someone. I fell down and a girl on my chest. "Ow!" She complains. She looks up. "...." She looks at me with a bright red face.  A crowd formed around us. Oh Irene this is going to be good.

No, No this can't be happening! I look around me and see Katelyn and the others look in shock. I close my eyes and put my hands over my face. "Should I get up or you?" Laurance says. I look up. I stare at his eyes. Why does it feel comforting? Wait stop! No! I shake my head. "I-I will get up.." I say and stand up cautiously. As soon he stood up, I quickly ran through the crowd and then I go to the bathroom and silently sob. I heard footsteps come in. "Aphmau?" Katelyn asks. "Come on Aphmau, I know what happened but please come out. We can talk about it." She says knocking gently into the stall door. I sniffle. "I feel so embarrassed...." I mumble. "We all would, so please come out. The girls are worried about you. Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan are here." She says. I gently open the door. Katelyn, Lucinda, and Kawaii~Chan was actually there. "Come here." Katelyn says and hugs me. All 4 of us hugged "Th-Thanks. You're really the best friends ever." I say. "We'll always be there. Now let's go to Biology class." Lucinda says. I gently nod and we walk to biology class and sit down. "Hello students, today we are going to do a group assignment. 3 is the most amount of people per group." The teacher says. Everyone standed up and talked to each other arranging their groups. Unexpected, a person came up to me. "Want to be my partner?" Laurance asked. Wait what! My face turned completely red. He smirked. Of course he would do this! He's a player! "I-I-" I stutter. "Sorry man but I think she wants to be my partner." Garroth says. My eyes widen. He glares at Laurance. Laurance snickered. "Sorry but she's mine." Laurance says and tugged my arms to his direction. Garroth took my other arm and tugged in his direction. No....  This can't be happening! "I think Aphmau wants to be in my-" Katelyn gets cut off by Laurance pulling her away. "Stay out of this. This is my game." He says. Katelyn stares at Laurance. My face became more redder. "Fine, let's be in a group all together. Then we'll see who gets the girl." Laurance says and smirks. Garroth intensely glared at Laurance. I got out of both of there grips. They looked at me. "T-Thanks for the invite but I think I'll go with Katelyn." I say and stand up and tried to walk past Laurance. Laurance grabbed my wrist.

 Laurance grabbed my wrist

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"Please don't."

There goes the first chapter! Hope you guys liked it and I will see you guys later!

(Sorry for short chapter)

"Womanizer" // A Laurmau FFWhere stories live. Discover now