Chapter One

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This is my first book on wattpad so please be nice. The beginning is kind of boring because it tells you what happened and how. but i promise it gets better after chapter 1! I am also completely open to constructive criticism.

If there are errors, don't hesitate in telling me and I will fix them asap. Enjoy :)


The warm magenta sun gradually rose, peeking over the vast browning crops and greeting the clouds with a rayful kiss. My hazy sleepless eyes gazed at the glowing fires that lay beyond the clouds. As beautiful as it was, I felt nothing.

My heart strings were not pulled or tugged and that warm fuzzy feeling most people get, showed no sign of growing in me. I was like the monsters that groaned and stumbled about outside. Ever since the day those.. Things..populated the earth and killed my momma, I hadn't been right in the head. I hadn't felt a gleam of remorse or a spec of happiness, oh no, I hadn't felt anything but the anger thats been brewing in my belly for two years.

The day the world was shrouded

in a thick evil blanket was permanently etched into my brain. It was a morning much like this one.


The sun kissed the clouds on its morning trip up to the sky while my mother placed a cake on the tall mahogany table in front of me. My hazel eyes widened, "it's exactly the kind I wanted !" I squealed, "thank you momma!!" My mother smiled a rosy cheeked smile and held my face in her white porcelain hands,

"You're welcome sweetheart" her voice was calm and soothing.

Light shown through her dark burgundy hair that lay simply in a bun. The flames on top of the candles reflected from my brightly colored eye. My eyelids gently covered my pupils like a blanket as the pent up air from my lungs blew across the dancing flames.

Without a sound, my momma slipped from the room and returned with a laptop and a wrapped present.

"Momma, you didn't have to get me anything"

she swiftly walked over and sat down in the chair next to mine while gingerly opening her laptop. Her simple blue dress fell beautifully at her sides. "We could've used that money for food or house payments" I said, my voice filled with concern.

"It's not from me" she turned the laptop towards me," it's from him"

"....daddy?!" My dad had been away overseas after being deployed by his commanding officer for almost a year now. "Hey baby girl"

His hair is cut short and his strong jaw had began to grow stubble.

"How old are you now? Thirty five?"

"No.. Thirteen" I said between giggles.

"Oh, sounded like you were thirty five when you were busy worrying about house payments and groceries." Before I could respond, he smirked And continued, "you're still so young, you should be living life to the fullest, not having a care in the world. You're at that age where it's ok to get into trouble once and a while" my mother's face tightened. "Now I'm not saying to go and burn down a building or get yourself sent to jail, but you should leave worrying about payments and money to Mary and I"

I hadn't heard my moms name since I was little.

"Make sense?"

I nodded.

"Now open your present.. the suspense is killing me!" My dad separated his fingers to make them look like claws and moved them towards his face.

I laughed while trying desperately not to rip the vivid colors of wrapping paper. Slowly but surely, I retrieved a cardboard box from it.

"A box... I've always wanted a box!"

"Oh Ha Ha" my father rolled his eyes and smiled. My thin fingers wrapped around one of the flaps on the box and popped it open. As soon as my eyes met with the item inside, my lungs filled and my eyes began to water. Ever so cautiously, I picked up the silver necklace; a cloth note and a sliver key were looped through it at the base. "'s ... Beautiful.." I forced the words from my dry throat.

I held back the tears as I read the note aloud, "having you as my daughter makes everyday brighter and my heart a little bit warmer. No matter how far, you will always be in my heart." I couldn't hold it back any longer. Once that first tear fell, there was no stopping. I sat there quietly sobbing into my right hand while the other held the necklace.

"Taira... I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you cry.."

", don't be ..s..sorry. I'm h..happy." *sniff* "I just m..miss you." My breathing jaggedly left and entered my lungs quickly.

My father smiled sympathetically while my momma rubbed my back, trying to console me.

"I'll be home as soon as I can, I promise"

After what felt like an hour of crying, my eyes felt heavy. I lifted the necklace over my head and laid it gently on my chest.

A sergeant walked over to my father and whispered something in his ear.

His eyes widened and his face turned pale.

"Taira, go to your room" my father said, never taking his eyes off of my mother.

"What? Why?"

"NOW!" His mood shifted from 'happy go lucky' to 'you better get your shit in gear' in a matter of seconds.

I slowly got up and started walking towards my room. I turned a corner that led to a long hallway and stopped. Flattening my body against the wall, I ease dropped on my parents.

I knew it was wrong, but I was curious.

"Mary.. Something has happened." He cleared his throat and continued, "Take Taira.. get out of town."

"John.. What are you.." Suddenly the sound of screams echoed outside, followed by a loud crash.

"What the hell.."

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