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So i have been thinking long and hard on what i should do. Although i do want to make a rant/discussion book, I'm also thinking about maybe continuing this book but rewriting it so it can be better because that was my first book and i think we can all agree that it kind of shit.

so if i were too rewrite the book there would be changes like..

- Possibly new character names

-There would be mature content 

-Im not sure whether i want to continue the whole werewolf thingy

-I would want a co-owner or like a co-writer to help me come up with new ideas and help me write

i guess its not rewriting when you want to change the whole book but I'm to sure if I'm still with that luna phase i went through two years ago ya know..

As I'm typing this i getting this idea where i think i should start the rant/discussion book i wanted while in search for a co-writter, so if anybody have any ideas on what i should rant/talk about please don't be afraid to leave it in the comments or message me.

And if you are interested in being a co-writter don't be afraid of messaging me either 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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