Part Seven

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I woke up and Dinger was gone. Lainie was there and there was a beach boys tape playing quietly on the radio. She smiled softly, "Did you have fun with Dinger?" I smiled huge and nodded. I could feel my face getting red, "Did you and Bobby?" "Oh Serendipity! We had a great time! Can I tell you a secret?" She said biting her lip. "You didn't!" I whispered knowing exactly what she meant. "We did!" She squealed. "Oh my god!" I said. "Did you and Dinger?" My eyes widened. That thought never occurred to me. Thinking about it made me feel weird. I shook my head laughing, "No. We didn't. I can't believe you did!" She laughed pushing her hair back behind her ear, "I can't believe it either." The next few days consisted a lot of us spending our days separated. Lainie and Bobby over at Bobby's cabin, and Dinger and I over at my cabin. Dinger and I danced, and went down to the lake a lot. I really loved spending time with him. He made me laugh until I was sure I would combust. But the days started to pass faster and faster. It felt like summer was fading away and slipping right through my fingers. A summer that I didn't even want to have in the first place... Now I wanted it to never end. By the end of June Dinger and I were inseparable. "Dinger... There's no way I'm gonna be able to leave you at the end of summer." I whispered with my head on his chest as we laid by the lake. "Don't talk like that. We've still got another month." He said running his fingers through my hair. "I don't wanna go back home." I said. He sat up pushing my up, "Then don't." He said looking into my eyes. "What?" I said. "Well... Come back home with me! I mean my mom won't give a shit. She probably doesn't even realize I'm gone. She wouldn't even notice." I felt some tears start to roll down my cheeks, "Dinger. I can't do that." He took the bottom of his shirt and wiped underneath my eyes, "Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't cry! What if I come back with you!" He let out a weak smile and took my hands, "I mean, you wanna piss off your parents... I think I'd be perfect for that." He said wiggling his eyebrows. I smiled and put my hand on his cheek, "Dinger... I think I love you." I had never said those words to him. When they came out they didn't sound like my voice. I was never sure what love was because I don't think my parents ever loved eachother. I didn't know what it looked like or felt like. "I know I love you." He whispered, "So what are we gonna do?" I shook my head, "I don't know." He took me into his arms, "Then don't worry ok? I know I love you and I'm gonna figure something out ok?" He said quietly.  At four in the morning Lainie and I were woken up by Bobby and Dinger yelling, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! ITS TIME TO WAKE UP!" I shot right up in my bunk, "DINGER! God you scared the shit out of me what the hell are you doing!?" I said. Lainie looked half scared to death in her bunk. Bobby was running around like a mad man throwing me and Lainie's clothes into a bag. Dinger ran up to my bunk and kissed my lips hard. He was breathing heavy. "Common! Get up! Get dressed!" He said. His voice sounded raspy. He sounded excited. "Dinger it's four am." I said. "EXACTLY!" Bobby exploded, "ITS FOUR AM PRIME TIME!" Lainie shot him a glare, "Shut the hell up Bobby! You're gonna make the councillors come in here! Bobby are you toasted?" She said. "Sorry!" He whispered throwing her her bag and me my bag, "Now common!" He took her hand avoiding the question. I knew they were. I could taste the alcohol on Dingers breath when he kissed me. Dinger grabbed my hand. They pulled us out of bed and through the door, out into the night. "Dinger, I'm freezing!" I whispered through clenched teeth when we ran outside. "Take a swing of this." He said handing me a water bottle full of alcohol. I did. It took my breath away and made me cough. Once I caught my breath again I asked, "Where we going?" Dinger just smiled, "Do you trust me Serendipity?" I nodded. "Then take my hand." I grabbed his hand and we ran off into the night. When we finally stopped running, Lainie got the sense to ask Bobby what in gods name was going on. We were all breathless and freezing. "Lainie Dinger posed this idea to me... We go back home at the end of summer. That's how this works. Well that works for us, we live close, but you see Serendipity doesn't. Lainie Dinger loves Serendipity and I believe that love is worth fighting for... In conclusion, we are all running away as a form of anarchy! All our parents treat us like shit anyways." Bobby delivered his speech with such conviction. Lainie looked at him like he was nuts, "And you're drunk enough to believe this crazy plan?" "Lainie it's not about how drunk we are." Bobby said. "Yea Lainie! It's about me fighting for loooove like you and Bobby did!" Dinger said. She looked into Bobby's eyes, she trusted him. "Alright," she said letting breath out, "now what?" Bobby smiled, "Well you see I don't know. I thought we'd stay here tonight then continue our adventure in the morning." She nodded slowly, "Dinger pass me that bottle." He did. She took a long swing then settled herself into Bobby's arms. I took Dingers hand, "Hey we'll see you guys later," I said, "We're gonna go for a quick walk." "You look really beautiful." Dinger said to me, it broke the silence. I hadn't known what to say to him. I smiled, "Thanks Dinger." "Sooooo... Whattaya think?" He said with hopeful eyes. I kinda laughed and squeezed his hand a little, "I think you must really have it bad for me." He smiled, "What you don't have it bad for me?" He said rolling his eyes. I playfully smacked his arm, "No dumbass I've got it real bad for you... I just never would have thought of this." We sat down on a small patch of grass. "Where we gonna go?" I asked quietly. He pushed his tongue through his lips, his blue eyes light up and danced with excitement. "We'll see that's the fun of it! I don't know! We can go anywhere! We can go to the ocean if we want! We can go to the big city! The country! Serendipity we can go anywhere we want!" I smiled and took his cheeks in my hands. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him long and good. I moved my lips to his neck and my hands down to the hem of his shirt. "Serendipity what are you doing?" He breathed out. His voice was raspy. I could tell he was getting hot. I removed my lips from his neck pulling his shirt over his head. I pulled back and looked into his eyes, "Dinger do you trust me?" I whispered. He slowly nodded. I pulled my shirt over my head and crashed my lips back on the crook of his neck.

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