2- Defence Against the Dark Arts

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"Alright, who's dying this year?" Professor McGonagall asked the class after her transformation from a tabby cat back into herself. We were in transfigurations after we had Divination and Harry was told that he would die this year.

"Me," Harry said quietly. Some of the Slythreins laughed including the idiotic Draco Malfoy. Professor McGonagall sighed deeply shaking her head.

"Ever since Professor Trewlaney started here, she's 'Predicted' that a student will die every year and so far, not ONE person has passed on from us, but Potter, if you do die, you'll won't need to hand your homework in," Professor said making some Gryfinndors laugh.

"Class dismissed, Ms Lupin, can you please stay behind?"

I nodded and packed my things into my bag. Not many others had a bag, but I made mine into one of the bags that have no bottom and you can put a ridiculously amount of stuff in there.

"I'll catch up with you guys soon," I tell Harry, Ron and Hermione. I walked up to McGonagall's desk and sat in a seat which she drew in the air.

"What will you like to talk about?"

"Avery, when your father was at this school, a certain tree was planted,"

"The whomping willow,"

"Aye, that tree was planted for your dad so he could transform during the full moon. I bet your wandering how your did transformed where, the willow has a passage to the shrieking shack,"

"Will I be using the shrieking shack?"

"Yes my dear, Madame Promprey will escort you the next full moon. Thank you Avery that was all,"

I nodded and raced out of the room and down to Professor Hagrids class- Care for Magical Creatures.

"C'mon get a move on," he said in a rough voice.

"Why did you have to stay behind?" Hermione asked.

"Something to do with dad," I lied.

"Got a real treat for yeh today, great lesson comin up, everyone here? Right, follow me," the tall man said.

Hermione grabbed me by the wrist and ran up towards where Ron, Harry and Professor.

"Hello Hermione, see yeh have a friend,"

"Yes, this is Avery Lupin, Professor-,"

"Wait don't tell me, Professor Lupin, great man Lupin,"

"Thank you sir, he'll be please to hear that," I thanked him.

"I hope you like creatures," Hagrid said happily. I grinned. I knew that this would be the right class for me.


It was the second day of school and I left the great hall with Ron and Harry because Hermione went MIA plus we had our first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson . We walked to the Dark arts room and I opened the door. My dad was fixing up something at the front of the class room. It looked like a wardrobe. I told Ron to quickly hide my tie so I could scare dad into thinking I was in Slytherin and I covered my emblem on my robe.

"Hello Professor!" I said scaring him. He quickly turned around and rolled his eyes.

"Avery How has your first day been?"

"Good, what houses do you have now?" I asked with a mischievous grin on my face.

"I have Gryfinndor-" then paused with an awful look on his face. He looked like he had just gone through a full moon. "I also have Slytherin," he said dully. "Please don't tell me your in Slytherin,"

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