10- the weekend

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"Go go Gryfinndor! Go, go Gryfinndor!" All if the Gryfinndor students yelled whilst the game against Ravenclaw was going on.

"GO HARRY!" I shouted. It was a sunny day, better then the last match and Gryfinndor were leading by 20 points. Gryfinndor 110 and Ravenclaw 90

"Katie bell makes her way to the Ravenclaw goal and....... SHE SCORES! Another 10 points to Gryfinndor!" Lee Jordan shouted into the microphone. "Checkout that broom Harry potters got a hold on by a friend, one of the fastest brooms in the world-"

"Lee this isn't an infomercial," I heard McGonagall said into the microphone.

"Sorry Professor,"

I laughed. I never knew this game could be some enjoyable and hilarious. I saw Harry flying around comfortably on the firebolt and zooming in and out of people's ways. Cho Chang who was so far behind him.

"GO HARRY!" All 4 of he gang shouted along with Hagrid, but he started to fidget with his wand. I looked over at the other side of the field were there was 3 Dementors. Harry stood up.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He shouted which sent the Dementors flying.

"WAY TO GO HARRY!" I shouted so he could hear me. He turned and gave me the thumbs up. A small gold flying ball appeared in Harry's vision and he flew straight after it, then finally grasping it into his hand.


"Harry where have you been?" Ginny asked as Harry walked through the door. We had been celebrating the win against Ravenclaw, when Harry was excused outside by Dad.

"They weren't Dementors at the match," he said calmly taking a up of butterbeer and drinking it.

"What was it?" I asked him handing him a licorice wand.

"Thanks. Well, during the celebration, Professor Lupin wanted me to go for a walk, so we did. We went to the hospital wing where Malfoy and Crabbe and Golyle wearing black robes," he said smirking evilly.

"They didn't did they," Ron asked sternly. he looked

like he was going to punch someone.

"Yes they did, and I'm happy to say, the are sick!" Harry said happily. We all laughed and cheered. The door opened up on our happy celebration. It was McGonagall.

"Children, it's 1 in the morning now off to sleep," she said before closing the door.

"I'll see ya guys later?" I asked them.

"Sure, night," Harry and Ron said after we ditched them.


"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I heard a boy screamed. I flung out of my bed and raced outside the room. I saw that the room Harry and Ron were in was open. I Walked in and saw Ron rocking himself alongside Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Harry and Neville Longbottom. They all looked surprised when they saw me.

"What happen?" I asked walking over to Ron's bed.

"SIRIUS BLACK.......IN HERE......Standing over me......Knife......WOKE ME UP," Ron breathed heavily. When I realised what he said, I was fuming.

'Sirius are you REALLY that STUPID!' I thought to myself over and over again.

"Where's McGonagall?" I asked.

"Woods has gone to get him," Seamus said talking about Oliver woods, the Gryfinndor Qudditch team captain. I heard someone walk up the stairs.

"There has been enough celebration for one night!" I heard McGonagall saying in a very stern voice. She walked to the door and saw me first. "Ms Lupin, I realise your a Girl NOT a BOY,"

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