Chapter 1: Meeting Them

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It took Quincey a while to gain a sense of awareness, plus choosing a random direction to walk in. When you're lost in the middle of an unknown forest, it feels like every choice is the wrong one. She didn't know how long she was walking for, a couple minutes, an hour maybe, before she finally stumbled upon civilization. The brunette peered around the trees and first saw the outline of the house, but as she neared, it appeared to be less a house and more a shack. It was newly built, maybe up for only half a year, and the wooden boards jutted out on the sides, the porch was uneven. But still, the building appeared to be in good condition.

Cautiously, Quincey tip-toed up towards the structure, but halted straight after when voices drifted up to her. She glanced around the house wildly, hoping to find help, when her gaze fell upon two boys. They looked to be in about college and one of them was teaching the other how to throw a football. The other was failing miserably. What caught the girl off guard was the fact that the boys were almost identical at second glance. The one who was teaching had a stronger build and his hair combed back and was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. The other, presumably the football student, had on a yellow polo and jeans with dorky glasses on his nose. 

"No, Ford, you want to throw it so it spirals or at least goes in my direction," the "teacher" said.

The other, Ford, stomped his foot down. "This is honestly pointless. I don't understand what football is going to do for me in the future. It definitely doesn't play any significance for me." 

His twin chuckled, smirking. "You mean, you don't understand, right?"

Ford sagged his shoulders, obviously unimpressed by the joke that Quincey didn't get. "Listen, Stanley, I have work to do and learning football isn't part of it."

Stanley mimicked Ford in annoyance, rolling his eyes. "Come on, Pointdexter, athletics are good for you."

"And so are statistics, but it's not like you put in any effort to remember any of that," Ford sighed, pivoting on his heel to leave his brother.

The other brunette growled angrily, slamming the football into the gravel.

Quincey took a deep breath, exiting the safety of the towering pine trees. "Hello?" she called out shyly, feeling a strange tug inside her. She couldn't remember who she had spoken with before she lost her memory. It was like she hadn't spoken to another person her entire life, however old she was.

Ford stopped walking, turning towards the confused girl and Stan noticed his twin stop. There was a short moment of silence where everyone stared at another and Quincey feared they knew she was off kilter. The nonathletic brunette glanced at his brother before he adjusted his glasses up upon his nose. "Greetings, and who might you be?" he said, walking towards the girl.

Quincey swallowed nervously, wondering if she should regret having said anything. "I...I'm Quincey," the brunette managed to say.

Stan jogged up after his twin, obviously interested.

"I'm Ford," the twin said, somewhat confused that a girl randomly came up to speak.

"Nice to meet you," Quincey said, holding out one hand, hoping she was recalling this gesture correctly.

Ford's chocolate gaze dropped to her hand and momentary hesitation flashed across his face. Stan opened his mouth to drop his input, but Ford slowly took out his own hand to shake the girl's. She inhaled sharply when he took her hand and she discovered an extra digit on the boy's hand. Did everyone have six fingers or was she just forgetting?

"I'm Stan," his twin intervened, shaking her hand vigorously. His twin had five, just like her. Thank God. "Whatcha need?" he asked rather jubilantly.

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