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IT WAS SATURDAY AND CHARLIE WAS AT MY FLAT. I didn't know why he was here. Charlie always visited me during the week after his classes and left the weekends free so he could go visit someone.

I examined him from across my coffee table. Charlie had recently been experimenting with make-up and even though I fell for his natural looks, I adored the look he could create with foundation and a contour kit.

I wondered what I should say. 'Why are you here?' seemed too rude for the situation but 'How're you?' seemed like I was just ignoring the fact that he had broke his usual routine. A part of me was ecstatic, maybe it was a sign? Maybe I had somehow won him over?

Charlie cleared his throat for the third time. He was always doing that. I could point him out in the hall ways with that habit of his.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here." Charlie finally spoke.

I was glad. Now I didn't have the urge to reach over and shake him. I had told him that I wasn't a fan of silences, I hated them actually. It made me feel like everyone was waiting for my klutzy mistakes.

"Yeah..." I said slowly.

Charlie was looking everywhere but me. Nervous. It was off putting and I could feel my fingers begin to strum the air. Maybe he was here to end the friendship? I wouldn't blame him, I'm quite boring. I mean, who finds train sets interesting these days?

"You're my best friend, Tommy." Charlie said, "I can't keep this from you."

Oh, Lord. I messed up. I messed up big time. He was going to leave me behind. Charlie must of sensed my panic because he leaned forward and grabbed a hold of my hand. I drank in his sweet smile and squeezed his hand, he was warm. Always so warm.

"I..like you, Tommy." Charlie said.

My first instinct was to nod. He meant it as a friend. It was when his cheeks turned pink that I clicked onto what he was meaning.

"What?" I asked.

My whole brain had collapsed and my heart was in my mouth. This couldn't be happening. Charlie liked me? I liked him and he liked me back? What? Did I walk into an alternative universe? No one has liked me before.

"I like you, a lot," Charlie repeated, "More than a friend. I want to date, kiss, maybe have se-"

"Charlie!" I exclaimed before he could finish his train of thought.

He stared at me with wide eyes. Wide, hopeful eyes. It was almost like he hadn't realised what he was saying. It was merely rambled thoughts that slipped off his tongue as he grew more nervous. Still, I had managed to keep my mind away from the sexual thoughts that appeared the more I fell for him. It wouldn't be right if I indulged myself in them and I knew I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Hearing that he would possibly want to have sex with me if we were to be in a relationship had made my face pulse with heat.

"Sorry." Charlie said.

I shook my head and turned my hand so I could work my fingers through his. Charlie dropped his eyes and stared at our locked hands like it was the answer to every question that he had ever asked.

"No. I, well." I stumbled over my words but when Charlie shifted his gaze to my face, I felt a wave of confidence.

"I like you too, Charlie."

Charlie was out of his seat and beside me in record time. The moment he was close enough, he threw his arms around my shoulders and laughed. The heat from his body wrapped around me. I was cocooned in the warmth of his arms and chest. My whole body relaxed, allowing me to wrap around him and pull him close.

"Thank God! I thought I was going to freak you out and lose you." Charlie said.

It was strange hearing his voice shake the way it did. Charlie was always confident. It's what drew people to him. The way he held himself and wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind. It was all burning confidence that radiated from his soul.

"I thought that too." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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