Chapter 7

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Bora POV

There is definitely something wrong with Soyou. These past couple of days she has been very distant and I am very worried about her. I know my Dongsaeng well and I have a feeling our little Soyou is in love........ but who with?????

"Bora unnie, where is Seungri??" Hyolyn asks curiously. I chuckle lightly.

"He is going out to eat with T.O.P" It came out more like a question than an answer. Dasom nods but keeps her eyes locked with mine. WOW weird.

I quickly avert my eyes towards Soyou and Chanyeol. She was curled up on his lap with her head In the crook of his neck, Chanyeol had his arm wrapped tightly around her legs to make sure she doesn't fall. Mmm does Chanyeol have a crush on our Kang Ji-Hyun.

The car then comes to a quick stop which stops my train of thought. Looking out the window I see a tall building and the other exo members standing at the door.

The doors slid open suddenly, Dasom pushes past me and I fly back into the seat.
"Unnie, Im so sorry" She then sat on my lap and hugged me close. I tryed pulling away from the tight hug but she placed her head in the crook of my neck. I heard her sigh in comfort.

"Dasommie, your boyfriend wants you" She groans and reluctantly gets off me. Kris grabbed her hand and they walked through the door of the building.

Chanyeol then lifted Soyou up in his arms and lifted her out off the car. I caught him smiling at her sleeping face. Wow, if he does have a crush on her he is making it way to obvious.

"Unnie, come on" Sehun called me with a smile. I nod and grab my bag, Sehun quickly takes it off me and carries it. Hmmm wierd.

Just then Dasom appeared again with a smile on her face. She looked between Sehun and I and the smile turned into a glare. I then looked down and saw that Sehun had entwined our hands when I wasnt paying attention.

Dasom stomps over to us and practically rips Sehun off me.

"Sehun, you can go up. I'll walk with Bora unnie" She smiles and wraps her arm around my waist. What the hell is she doing.

He smiles innocently and shakes his head.

"Its okay Dasom unnie, I want to walk Bora unnie up. I enjoy her company."

I cant help but blush at his words. Then I feel a soft punch on my upper arm and I turn to the culprit, a pouting Dasom

 Then I feel a soft punch on my upper arm and I turn to the culprit, a pouting Dasom

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I giggle at her cuteness and grab her arm.

"Bye Sehun" She laughs evily. He huffs in annoyance and walks ahead.

When he is out of sight I hit Dasom on the back of the head.

"Evil maknae" I scolded.

A/N helloo im back lol. Btw leave in the comments ur opinion and.......

Do you want Dasom and Bora to become a couple or nah????

~ Robyn xx

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