Chapter 10

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Soyou POV

I cant belive that just happened. Chanyeol asked me out on a date. I mean it wasnt what I expected but honestly it was still very cute.

I put my bag in the back of the car and take my seat in the van. I grab my phone and stick my earphones in.

Suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulder which caused me to jump in shock. I direct my eyes to the weight on my shoulders and see Dasom starting directly at me.

"Dasom~ What can I help you with?" I asked raising my eyebrow in suspision.

She looked around to see if the other members were paying attention. Bora was started a arguement with our manager about the new diets and Hyolyn was taking Snapchats whilst singing to BTOB.

"Did Chanyeol ask you out?" She whispered in my ear. I turn to her in confusion, how does she know??

"Uhmm, how do you know Chanyeol was going to ask me out?" I asked moving closer to the now scared Maknae. She coughed nervously and rubbed the back of her neck.

"We over heard you and Chanyeol" I nodded and turned my head towards the window.  Wait.

"We?" After the words left my mouth the answer hit me. Kris. Of course.

She showed me a small smile and I knew she was afraid. She should be because normally I would try to choke her but for some reason today I just wasn't in the mood. I know when am I not in the mood to kill Dasom.

"I'm sorry unnie, Chanyeol came to me and Kris asking how he could ask you out. He was afraid you would reject him so we took matters into our own hands" Dasom said all in one breathe. I raised an eyebrow at her and she just pouted.

I threw my hands around her and pulled her into me causing her to stiffen In my arms. I rested my head on her shoulder and continued to hug her, she let out a little giggle hugged back.

"Thank you for helping Dasom, your the best. I still don't really like the fact you got involved but you did manage to make Chanyeol ask me out."  She looked shocked at my statement, her mouth opened to  give me a reply but no words came out.

I moved my head and placed it on her shoulder.

"Awww, look at the two maknaes!!" Hyolyn yelled looking from the seat in front

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"Awww, look at the two maknaes!!" Hyolyn yelled looking from the seat in front. Bora then turned her head to us and showed us a motherly smile. I puffed out my cheeks and squinted my eyes in causing her to laugh.

"Soyou~ah you're so cute" She reached over and ruffled my hair causing the younger girl beside me to huff.

"Unnie, I'm cuter than Soyou right?" Dasom protested. Is this girl serious.

I lifted my head and looked at her with a confused face which caused her to burst out laughing. This made Hyolyn start laughing, then Bora. Ah well if you cant bet them join them.

Chanyeol POV

After Soyou and the other members left, I headed back up the stairs and headed into the bathroom to get dressed.

After Soyou and the other members left, I headed back up the stairs and headed into the bathroom to get dressed

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I just threw clothes on because I wasn't planning on going anywhere.

I headed downstairs and went straight into the kitchen. In the kitchen I found D.O making food and Baekyun, Kai and Tao laying the table.

"Yah, Chanyeol come and help with the dinner. You have been asleep most of the day" D.O yelled holding a knife. Well shit. I opened my mouth to answer my now angry hyung but I feel arms around my neck and then an answer comes from the person behind me.

"I need Chanyeol right now so he cant help make your shitty dinner" Kris laughed. I internally thanked him.

"MY SHITTY DINNER!?? IF THATS SO YOU BOTH CAN STARVE" D.O replied now fuming but I couldn't take him seriously because of his height and the pink apron he was wearing. 

I followed behind Kris and practically ran away from the kitchen. Kris led me to his room and sat me on his bed.

"Now Chanyeol, we need to get you prepared for this date" He sais with a smirk.

A/N hey guys guess what IM NOT ACTUALLY DEAD. Sorry it took so long i was busy with school and stuff. I was wondering is there anything you want to ask me. Like kpop or just about me even though im pretty boring.

would you like to see wat i look like in the next chapter?????? Yes Or NAHHHHH

~Robyn xx

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