started to date one another

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Ethan POV

Its been three days since Michelle kissed me. i am gonna ask her out when i see her next. I am gonna bring her to the park then dinner and home. then i realized that i was at her door. I wasn't ready to do it at that moment but before I new it Gianna opened the door

"Hey Eth what's up?" She asked

"Iam here to talk to Michelle about something" I tell her

"She's in our room. U can go in there" she tells me

I open the door to the bed room and Michelle's still asleep I don't want to wake her. But this couldn't wait. So I though for a little then I decided to just lay down next to her. One I did Michelle moved closer to me and snuggled in to my side. i thought since we weren't together it was wrong but if felt so right.

"Michelle??" i whispered into her ear

"mmmm" she replied

"Hey michelle wake up i need to tell you something" i wisper to her again

"ok iam up" she said upset

She looks at the clock and it says 11:11 and then she closes her eyes and then opens then a little after she closed them and she whispered made it

"So what is it u wanted to tell me that u woke me up for?' she said upset

"Remember how you kissed me the other day well i have feelings for you and i was wondering  if you wanted to go out with me?" i asked her

"YES!!!!!!!" she yelled

"I feel the some way about you" i told her

"You do??" she asked

"Yeah  i also come here to ask if you wanted to go on a date with me?" i asked her

"YESSSSS!!!!!!!" she yelled 

Michelle's POV

i still cant believe that Ethan Dolan just asked me out. i said yes because we feel the same about each other but then Gianna came to mind we do everything together. she would be so happy but feel left out but she would understand.

"Ethan we need to get Gray and Gianna together so we can do a double date" i told himm really fast

"Yes we should. Gray wont stop talking about Gianna ever since we all meet each other." he replied

"Ok we can figure out how to get them together later for now lets just lay here and watch movies" i told him

Before he can answer i put the notebook in and laied back down next to each

the movie was half over and i know Ethan wasn't watch it he was looking at me the whole time so i turn off the move and turned to face him. Once are eyes meet we kissed then it turned into a make out section. I pulled away so it wouldn't go any were

"So wensday at 8" ethan said3

"Yea but we need to get gray to ask Gi out for that night" i reminded him

Sorry i havent upload in a while i didnt  know how to end this and i know its short and know since iam starting school it will be harder to upload every week so it might be a mounth till yhe next chapter comes up

Getting the Dolantwins Mixed upDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora