Plain A to get Gray and Gi to go out

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Grays POV

i looked at the time ad it was 1 wow i thought i slept late. i didn't .know what day it was so i looked at my phone and it said it was Monday (when Ethan asked Michelle out it was Sunday). I get up and decided to take a shower and think out about they day and think if i should ask Gianna out.

"Gray r u up?" i here Michelle yell

"I'm in the shower" i yell back

I started to wonder what Michelle was doing here if Ethan was up and most likely at here place. i finished up in the shower got dress and went to the kitchen 

"Hey whats up? " i asked her

"Nothing just wondering what your doing" he replied back

"oh well do you and Gianna want to hang around here with me and Ethan?" i asked because i didn't really want to go over to there place because what if there brother is home with his band mates

"i was gonna ask if u wanted to come over and watch movies because my mum is out for the day and working late tonight" he told me

"alright ill come over in 5" i told him 

He shook her head and left. i really want to go out with Gianna but i don.t know if she feels the same way about me.

Giannas POV

i hope Michelle was about to get Gray to come over because i really like him and i want him to ask me out but i cant tell if he feels the same about me

"Bitches im back!!!!" Michelle yell as she walked in

"Michelle lauguage!" luke yelled at her

Michelle didn't know luke was home so she was confused on who said that then she realized who it was

"LUKEYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled ad ran to him

"Hey Michelle whats up" luke asked her

"Nothing much beside i have a boyfriend now." She told him

"Wait Michelle you have a boyfriend how come you didn't tell me" i said a little hurt

"Michelle invite the boy over for dinner so i can meet him" Luke said sternly because hes the man of the house

"Wait is Jack and Ben here?!" me and Michelle asked excitedly

"Hey Gianna hey Michelle" Ben said

"BEN!!!!!!" we yelled as we both hugged him

"Alright come on jack they will find you if you don't come out and hug them" Luke Yelled

"Ill check upstars you check down stars" Michelle said

"ok" i replid

Michelle POV

I looked in my room then Gianna's then i figured he would be in Luke's room since mom put three bed in the room

"JACK!!!!" i yelled so Gianna can here me

i hugged him and then dragged him down to the family room. I know its not right to pick a favorite sibling but i did anyway and its jack because he wins me stuffed animals at the bored walk when i went to visit out grandparent in jersey the moved out Australia over 5 years ago and Jack will pick me up if my date go horrible. hes also the only one that i can tell who I'm dating and he asks a bunch of questions.

"Jack!!!!!!" Gianna yelled and hugged him

Luke is a great brother to he a load to bring us on tour with him and we do online schooling because Mine and Gianna YouTube channel was kicking off. Its also a lot easier to do then going to school because mom will let us go with Luke or meet up with him when ever we want with know problem. Ben isn't bad brother either he takes us any were we wont to go and he will take us out to eat all the time if we wanted to he is awesome but is easy to get mad at. But we love them all. 

Skip two hour later

I'm' now over at the Dolan twins apartment now to talk to Gray about how hes going to ask Gianna out. I knock on the door and Ethan opens the door i just walk in and go start to Grays room

"Hey Gray lets talk about how your going to ask Gianna out" i say

After what felt like 5 hours Gray knew what to do. Now im hanging with Ethan as Gray as Gianna out

Grayson's POV

I textede Gianna to meet me at the pack in like an hour because i had to go to the pet store on get her a cat. After i get the cat i start to head to the park

"Hey GI" -Gray

"Hey Gray" - Gianna

"I got you something"-Gray

"Let me see" -Gianna

I give her the cat and she is all happy and loves him. i notice she sees the note tied to the cats neck and she reads it and looks at me

"Gianna will you go out with me this weekend?" i asked her

" YES i would love to" Gianna replied right away

Getting the Dolantwins Mixed upDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora