Chapter One

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"So, three months ago-"

"Two and a half months ago," Shang interrupts. Mulan laughs.

"Two and a half months ago, did-"

Shang clears his throat. "On second thought, I believe it was two months and three fourths."

She smacks him playfully on the shoulder with her fan.

"Anyway," Mulan continues, "on that first day of training, however long ago it was, did you ever think for a second you would end up marrying the skinny lunatic who spilled all the rice?"

He chuckles, and spins her around as they dance slowly to the violins.

"Well first of all, I didn't even know you were a woman," he says. "All I thought of you at the time was a nuisance. And a liar that somehow got ahold of the honorable Fa Zhou's papers."

Shang nods across the patio at her father respectively, and Mulan makes a fake offended face at him.

"Uh huh," she says. "And when exactly did you realize your feelings for Ping, the boy soldier?"

Shang raises his eyebrows. "I never had any feelings for 'Ping the boy soldier'. He was like a little brother to me. Mulan, however, I realized I had a crush on very quickly."

"How quickly, General?" she teases. He gives her a look.

"As soon as you crashed the parade in the Imperial City. What about you, Ping?"

"When you first took off your shirt."

Just as he begins to make a sly remark, officers atop white stallions thunder through the party and the violins halt with a screech.

"General Li Shang," one of them booms, "the Mongols have broken the eastern border, and are moving quickly. You're needed at the front."

He hands Shang a scroll. Mulan is fast to approach them.

"I'm going too," she announces.

Shang doesn't look up from the scroll. "No, you are not."

"What?!" she hollers. "I saved China! And created an alliance with Qui Gong!"

The other officer looks down on Mulan. "Well obviously that didn't do much. The Mongols are still attacking."

She glares at him. "If it weren't for me, you- hey!"

Shang grabs her arm and drags her to the back of the patio.

"Mulan, it's not looking so good," he says stiffly. "There is a very high chance no soldiers will be returning from war."

Her jaw drops. "Then I have to go fight! It looked the same way right before I started that avalanche!"

"No!" he says sternly. "I can't let you die at the hands of the Mongols! You've already proven yourself to be a hero, don't make yourself a martyr!"

"You know it's not about that, Shang," she retorts. "I have to fight! It's my duty!"

"Mulan, no. You have so many people that depend on you, that love you so much," he pleads. "Don't be selfish."

Mulan looks at him hopelessly. "You don't think that I love you? You don't think I would be devastated if you were killed, when I could've prevented it?"

Shang's face softens and he lifts his hand to touch her cheek, catching a tear with his thumb.

"Mulan, I'm sorry," he whispers.

A memory flashes behind her eyes. The rope on the bridge starting to tear, her iron grip on his hand, his weight almost ripping her arm. The same exact words he whispered before releasing himself into the amber abyss. Screaming his name, the same way she does now as he mounts his white horse and casts her a final look behind him.

It's practically a death sentence.

Mulan can feel the entire party's eyes on her. She must look like a fool, standing there in a rumpled wedding gown, tears running down her face. She sees her parents gaze at her sorrowfully, and the entire crowd looks so solemn.

She hikes up her kimono and runs to the temple.

"Ancestors," she prays, "please do not let Shang be killed. I want to go with him, but I also want to be a loyal wife. Please show me what I have to do."

Mulan stays there, kneeling on the ground for what seems a long time. There is no sign of anything, so she ponders it in her mind. Love? Or loyalty.

Another memory comes to her, the princess Mei and juggling luggage. She had asked her how to decide between duty and heart.

"My duty is to my heart," Mulan says aloud.

"Your whaty's to your what?"

She stiffens at the sudden voice, but realizes who's it is. Mushu.

"My duty is to my heart," she repeats, louder. "I have to go help Shang."

The travel-sized dragon climbs onto her soldier.

"What?!" he exclaims. "Girl, he said you'd be killed!"

Mulan stands up and makes her way out of the temple.

"I would've thought, Mushu," she replies, "that you of all people would have faith in my life. Being my guardian and all."

"Alright, alright. You can join the army again," Mushu complies, glum.

"So glad I have your permission."

Little Brother barks and nips about Mulan's feet, stumbling her.

"Wait a second," Mushu says, "if you join the army again looking like Ping, Shang'll recognize you right away."

Mulan stops. "You're right."

She stoops to sit on the hill and thinks about this. Mushu is definitely right.

"So...I have to look like a man, but a different man. How am I supposed to do that?" she asks him. A different voice replies.

"I can help with that."


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