Chapter 2 // The Aftermath

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Dan sat up on his bed

Hands clenching his head

Dan woke up with a throbbing headache

Dan woke up a mess

He looked over at his clock

It read 10am

He had two hours before his first lesson

Enough time to numb the pain.

Dan walked downstairs

He looked around to find his house empty


Dan looked around for any painkillers

He had taken the last one a few days ago


Dan made a mental note to buy painkillers later

He brewed himself a strong coffee

He added a bit of whiskey

More alcohol can cure a hangover

He drank it.

After finishing his coffee, Dan decided to get ready for his first day back at school, in the new 6th form they had recently built. Not a lot was going to change, the students were still the same people, with maybe a few newcomers from other schools, the only difference is that we will be starting 6th form, which is basically the stage between secondary school and University, the only two years that really mattered grade-wise. And Dan had to either step up his game or he'd end up digging his own grave. Dan of course didn't care about his grades, he was very much the opposite of his parents.

He stepped into the shower, deciding to take a cold shower to wake himself up and make himself feel a tiny bit better after the hangover he had experienced this morning. Of course this wasn't the first Hangover Dan had, He was very much experienced in fixing hangovers, since they were quite normal by now, at least for Dan.But of course Dan would never admit, but he has a serious  alcohol addiction.

Deciding he wasn't hungry, Dan decided to smoke a small joint of weed to relax him before he went to school. Dan also wouldn't admit, but he has a serious drug addiction, relying on drugs everyday to satisfy his never ending cravings.

Finally he picked up his backpack and left the house,ready for another annoying and miserable day at his shitty school.


Dan walked into his first lesson, late as usual.

He stormed to the back of the classroom and slumped down on his chair, letting out a loud huff in annoyance.

"You alright mate? I haven't seen you ever since the end of school...whats been happening mate?" Issac said. Clearly only making small talk and trying to find out the latest gossip, as if he'd ever give a damn about Dan.

Dan decided to shut down the conversation immediately, not wanting to deal with issac or his annoying voice. "Fine" Dan said.

The rest of the lesson was spent in silence, neither of them wanting to talk, Issac proceeded to pay attention to the lesson, while Dan zoned out on his own thoughts.

Half an hour later the bell rang, meaning it was lunchtime and Dan decided to walk to his usual hangout place behind the gym, needing to smoke another joint after that shitty lesson.

He watched  as the smoke filled the air with  interesting patterns, as he looked across he noticed how beautiful the landscape was, a green hill with a cherry blossom tree at the very top, pink flower petals filling the air around it and delicately falling to the ground one by one, he saw a figure of a boy underneath the tree, he seemed to be holding a sketchbook, but Dan couldn't make out who he was. 

Dan breathed in deeply taking in the nature around him and for just a tiny second, there was a small moment of pure bliss.

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