The sleep over

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This is what it looks like when they are playing truth or dare.

This is when they are not playing truth or dare.

Dawn pov

I was waiting in my room until the doorbell rang and all the girls were here I was so happy. We played video games and watched 2 movies. Let's play truth or dare and all the girls said yes.

Every one pov

Dawn: truth or dare misty

Misty: truth

Dawn: misty do u have a Crush and if u do then who?

Misty: I do h-have a-a crush on a boy and h-his n-name is a-ash

Dawn: ok

Misty: truth or dare May

May: dare

Misty: may I dare u to go to drew and kiss him on the cheek

Blushing May: Wwwwhat 

Misty: u said dare so yeah

May: ok I will do it but I won't do it at school

Misty: ok

May: Dawn truth or dare

Dawn: dare

May: Dawn I dare u to kiss Paul on the lips

Blushing Dawn: What ok fine I will do it but I will do it when u guys aren't around

May: ok

Dawn: truth or dare misty

Misty: I will do dare

Dawn: I dare u to kiss ash on the lips and tell him how u feel about him

Blushing Misty: w-w-what

Dawn: u have to do it. Its a dare

Misty: ok I will do it

Dawn: ok

Misty: truth or dare may

May: truth

Misty: May is it true u have a crush on Drew?

May: Misty do I have to answer that

Misty: yes u said truth

May: okay I will answer it. Yes I have a crush on Drew

Misty: ok

(A/N This is the last one)

May:Dawn truth or dare

Dawn: truth

May: How do u know Paul? How did u meet? U must tell us the whole story?

Dawn: Paul is a child hood friend and we meet at the park. "Dawn tell misty and may the whole story."

Misty and may: what

Dawn: yeah and I think it is time to put our pyjamas on and go to bed

Author pov

They all put on there pyjamas on and said goodnight.

So how u like this chapter I think it was ok and tell me in the comments if u what me to do the boys sleepover.

U can vote, comment and follow if u like I am your author maid-sama and have a good day.

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