Field of Forms and Other Things

239 7 83

You and Serilia enter a large clearing in the woods.

"Behold, the Field of Forms and Other Things!" She exclaims, holding out her hands.

You look around the clearing. In the center of the clearing, there is a large object. You get a little closer, and realize it's not an object. It's an animal. It has the front of an eagle and the back of a lion, like a Griffin. Though, it's right hind leg is that of a goat, and it has a bright green snake for a tale.

"Hello." It speaks. It has a very low, but clear and loud voice. You jump back, startled a bit. "I am Graggis." He rumbles. He takes a parchment out from under his left wing. He hands it to you.

Basic Ranks

1. Royalty: King, Queen, Princess, Prince. These are the hierarchies of the kingdom. They are to be respected and obeyed by all.

2. Noblemen: Knights, Oracles, Advisors. If the Royalty are not present, they take charge. They must be respected and obeyed by everyone except Royalty.
Unless told not to by Royalty themselves.

3. Commoners: Workers, Villagers. Anyone who lives in the villages or farms.

4. Outsiders: Those who break the law. These are people who broke the law and are thrown into the dungeon. If they escape, they try and run away from the Hunters.

5. Hunters. They keep justice throughout the kingdom. They catch outsiders, help villagers, and maintain justice. Each hunter is assigned a different duty, and must me chosen by the leader themselves. If you would like to be a hunter, please put hunter as your rank, with a secondary option in case the leader does not accept you.

6. Rebels. This is anyone who throws rebellions against the kingdom and does not like the current rule. Many Rebels get caught and become Outsiders.

Graggis hands you another parchment before you can even put the Basic Ranks away.

Basic Species
If you are not on this list, add your own species. How common is on a list of 1 through 10. 10 being very common, and 1 being extremely rare.

1. Human (10)

2. Full Shapeshifter (Can shapeshift into any animal, 2)

3. Shapeshifter (Can shapeshift into ten or less animals, 4)

4. Were-animal (Can only turn into one animal. Commonness depends on species. Were-wolf, 7. Were-zebra, 1)

5. Nymph{female}/Elf{male} (Can control certain aspect of nature. Eg. Water Nymph, Light Nymph. They can turn into their element at will. 8)

6. Mermaid/Merman (9)

7. Faerie{male}/Fairy{female} (Can control one element, like nymphs/elves. Faeries/Fairies have the ability to change size whenever they would like, but they can only become smaller and back to their original size. Grows wings once kingdom is entered. 6)

8. Wizard/Witch (Practice magic. Most are doctors. 5)

9. Dragon (Vicious beasts that most people are afraid of. Generally can speak, as smart as any commoner. Tend to stay away from villages. If they do storm the village and such, they will be given a chance to prove their worth. Otherwise, they are slain or used for war and battle practise. 3)

You finish reading the parchment and slip both into your pocket/purse for future reference. Graggis hands you another pachment, this time with a quill.

Keep the form in ONE (1) comment or else it will be ignored.

First Name:

Middle Name (Optional):

Last Name:





Personality (Optional):

History (Optional):

Other (Optional):

¤ Put Code Word For Full Citizenship. ¤

¤ Wait to be accepted before entering kingdom.¤

~Continue after being accepted~

"Great!" Serilia jumps, clapping her hands. "Now that you've been accepted, go through here." Serilia waltzes over to a bunch of dangling vines and pulls them apart. "Through here to the kingdom! If you need any extra help, go to the Information Desk. Have a nice time!"

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