Seeing Double

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R.Dolan woke up on the floor, confused and dazed. "W-what happened?" he mumbled. He glanced around, noticing his friends were also knocked out. "Oh my god! Guys!" R.Dolan yelled. He kneeled near R.Shima, slowly lifting her body. "Shima, can you hear me?" he asked her, hoping for an answer. Her ears began to twitch. She opened her eyes.

"Dolman?" she softly asked. R.Shima moved away, and looked at her surroundings. "I think I been here before, but when?" she asked. Everything was in a different location than they should be. The wallpaper was usually purple, but now it was blue. Soon after, the rest of the gang began waking up.

R.D.M.B was the first up, looking at his brother, and their location. "Awesome! The wallpaper magically changed colors! Dolan, can you see?" he happily asked. Dolan nodded.

"Actually D.M.B, there is no scientific proof of magic," R.Pringle groggily began, "Dolan must have changed it while we were knocked out." R.D.M.B just smiled, accepting the fact that he was wrong.

R.Melissa started getting up, searching for something."My sunglasses! Where are my sunglasses!? I need them to look fabulous!?" she screamed. In the corner of her eye, she noticed the tip of her sunglasses peering out from under R.Hellbent's body. "You took them!" she yelled, believing he did it on purpose. She picked him up by the shirt collar. "You" she couldn't insult him for some reason. R.Melissa noticed that R.Hellbent was still unconscious. 'Guess he didn't mean to do it,' she thought. She placed R.Hellbent's body down, and picked up her sunglasses. "You-you're lucky these aren't broken, otherwise I'd kick your butt," she muttered.

On the other side of the room, the original gang was also lying on the floor. Dolan began to stand up, seeing another him. "Whoa, is that what I look like?" he asked himself, "I don't remember green being my color," he added. R.Dolan's eyes widened. He recognized the idiotic duplicate of himself. The others began to get up as well. Shima and Melissa looked at their alternate selves.

"God, not her again," Shima mumbled.

R.Shima had a smile grow on her face. "Yay! My reverse self!" she shouted.

Melissa stared in awe at her reverse self, while R.Melissa's face showed disgust. "Wow, you-I-we look awesome," she announced. Understandably, Melissa didn't know how the whole 'double' thing worked.

"Well, I look good. Girl, what the heck were you thinking?" R.Melissa snobbishly said, now back to her old attitude. Melissa raised an eyebrow, with her cheeks turning a light pink-purple color.

Pringle and R.Pringle locked eyes. They didn't believe what they saw. "Dude, why do we-you look like a huge do-decka-dork?" Pringle asked. R.Pringle face palmed.

"I explained this to someone else earlier. 'Do-decka-dork' isn't a real word. I'm not sure why you guys are saying it," he explained.

R.Hellbent finally began to open his eyes. He looked at his friends across from him, but something was off. 'They look....different,' he thought. He then turned his head, noticing his friends again in a different location. "What the heck!" he started to yell, "D-dolan! D.M.B! W-why are there two of you guys!?" R.Hellbent the noticed another him across the room.

"God, what the hell happened? Was there an earthquake, or-" Hellbent stopped, glancing at the other him. "The fuck?" he asked.

R.D.M.B walked over to D.M.B. "Oh my gosh! This is so cool! There's 2 of us! BEST! DAY! EVER!" he cheered. D.M.B jumped back.

"Dude, calm down. This isn't okay. It's improbable. Although, you could be used for scientific use," D.M.B rambled. They were all now facing their counterparts. Dolan looked at R.Dolan with shock, but R.Dolan was furious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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