Chapter 20

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"It’s going to be okay," Zayn said reassuringly. "This is your house, he doesn’t know you’re here." I closed my eyes nodding. I knew Zayn was right, my dad didn’t know where I was. And this was my house, I shouldn’t have to live in fear.

I pushed the door open, slowly walking inside. I held Zayn’s hand tighter than I should have, but he didn’t seem to mind. A sigh of relief left my throat, I didn’t know what I had expected to happen but I was just relieved that in my chaste exit, everything was exactly how I left it.

Shrugging out of my coat, I set in on the coat rack, sitting next to Zayn on the couch. “You’re freezing,” I said touching his face.

"You’re warm," He said pulling me into his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder, peppering kisses on his neck.

"I dress properly," I commented and he scoffed.

"I dress fine." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say," I replied closing my eyes. The two of fell into a comfortable silence. It felt good to be home, it wasn’t that I didn’t like being at Zayn’s because I did. But I loved being home, it really was the only place that I had where I was able to call my own.

"Maya," Zayn said quietly breaking the silence between us. I hummed a response and I watched as he drew in a breath. "I have to talk to you about something."


"So the other day when you came over, that girl. Her name is Alana and she has been my sister’s best friend for as long as I can remember. My sister has been calling for the past few days, and I haven’t been answering her. So she stopped by wanting to talk to me." Zayn said and I nodded.

"What did she say," I asked and Zayn shrugged.

"She told me that my parents want me to come home." Zayn mumbled.

"Do you want to go? Home that is." I asked quietly.

"I don’t, I don’t know." Zayn admitted. 

"It’s okay, to feel scared about it." My voice grew softer, I pursued my lips debating if I should continue further. Zayn’s family meant something to him, you could see it in his expression. All of the hurt, and struggle his family put him through, it’s hard to not see the discomfort in his face.

"I want to hate them, for as long as I could remember I tried to hate them. I was alone, and they didn’t care, but there was always that part of me that hoped they would want me. I should hate them, I hate myself for feeling this way, but I can’t hate them Maya." I didn’t think twice before connecting my lips to his. His arms tightened around my waist as he pulled me closer. My hands were at his shoulders, simultaneously moving closer the nape of his neck. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, even with the urgency of his actions his were still soft against mine.

Pulling back from the kiss, my hands moved to his face. As I sat on his lap, my fingers cupping his jaw, thumbs brushing his cheeks I leaned down to press another soft kiss on his lips. “I love you,” I whispered, my eyes widened at the foreign words tumbling from my mouth.

Shock not only filled my expressions, but Zayn’s aswell. I wasn’t sure why the confession left me in such a flustered state, but it did. “I-I,” I immediately began to apologize, trying to find some way to settle the flips my stomach was doing. Zayn pulled me down kissing my lips stopping me from any further words coming from my mouth.

"Don’t," Zayn whispered, "Don’t take it back, I love you." My eyes were shut but it was evident that he was pleading for me to stay, though my confession gave off no idea of me leaving.

"I’m not taking it back," I whispered against him.

"Say it again," Zayn whispered against me. "Tell me you love me one more time,"

"I love you."

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