Chapter 16

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"Are you sure you want to go to this," Zayn asked and I nodded.

"You can hang out with your friends, I don't want you to always hang out with me." I trailed and Zayn leaned over and kissed me.

"I love hanging out with you," Zayn brushed the stray hairs out of my face. I shoved my feet in my TOMS before Zayn and I walked out of the house. Zayn's hands wrapped around my waist and I gasped when I felt his hands at my bum.

"Stop," I giggled pulling his arms away and walking ahead of him. "Zayn seriously touch my ass again and I'm going to kick you in the shin." I said with mock seriousness. Zayn smirked and I pushed him, only for him to wrap an arm around me and pull me closer.


The room was full of people and I began to feel a little nervous. I always felt uneasy around crowds to say the least, but Zayn's friends gave me an odd vibe. Zayn pulled me to him, whispering a 'we can leave if you want,' in my ear. Shaking my head I walked over to get a drink, grabbing two I handed one to Zayn. People walked up to Zayn greeting him quickly before walking away.

"Go see your friends," I urged pushing him away, he shook his head and I let out a sigh.

"What if someone tries to come onto you," Zayn questioned and I shrugged.

"I am a big girl Zayn, I can take care of myself." I chied before pushing him away.

"Zayn," I shrill voice rang through my ears and I turned to see a brown haired girl, a little taller than me, stumbling closer to us. "Where have you been I missed you," She slurred and I cringed my nose setting down my drink.

"Hi Natalie," Zayn said and she stood closer to him.

"Who's this," She asked looking at me.

"I'm Maya," I responded and she sent me a- not- so friendly smile.

"Oh my gosh, you're Zayn's new girl." She concluded and I raised my eyebrow.

"I'll uh, be back," Zayn trailed making a bee line to a few guys that I had seen the other day.

"So tell me," Natalie's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "Zayn's the best you've had right? I mean you and him have to shag all the time right?" She asked and I opened my mouth trying to respond, but only an awkward noise left my mouth. "I'm not really sure what Zayn see's in you, I'm guessing you're pretty good then yeah?" Her questions grew more and more horrifying by the second. I quickly shook my head and she shrugged grabbing onto her purse. "I should get going," She said before grabbing a drink and walking off.

I looked over grabbing my drink once more and heading off to find Zayn. I walked past a few people, making sure that they didn't touch me. I bit my bottom lip looking around at all of the people I didn't know. Though it wasn't Zayn I found, I walked over to the curly haired friend of his, hoping that Harry would know where Zayn had gone off to. "Harry," He turned around looking at me, giving me a small wave as I came closer to him. "Have you seen Zayn," I asked and he shrugged biting his lip.

"Uh, yeah he was in the back when I saw him." Harry nodded and I thanked him before heading off in that direction. Sure enough Zayn was there, sitting around with a group of people who passed around something that I couldn't see. I stood there for a minute or two before walking over to them. I cringed a bit at the smell of weed, but decided to ignore it as I sat down next to Zayn. He looked over at me, blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"Way to leave me with that," I muttered in his ear. He chuckled and I took the joint from his fingers. I looked down at it contemplating on whether or not I wanted to take a hit.

"Are you gonna hit that," A blonde boy asked me and I looked over at Zayn. He raised his eyebrow and I looked back at the boy before nodding. Bringing the joint to my lips I took a drag, pulling it from my lips to allow air into my mouth. I waited a few seconds before I blew it out, passing the joint to the blonde boy. I felt my nerves slowly calming with each second, and I felt my body being pulled into someone's. I looked up at Zayn, watching as he licked his lips.

"I didn't know you smoked weed." Zayn said lowly into my ear and I shrugged watching him take the joint into his hands. He took a long drag, pulling it away only to bring it back and taking a smaller hit. He parted his lips slightly taking in air and holding it for a minute. Zayn looked over at me, pulling my face closer to his, and I opened my mouth slightly, letting him blow his smoke into my face before he gave me a kiss. He had his usual after cigarette and mint taste, but the taste of weed on his tongue left me wanting more. My fingers gripped the fabric of his t-shirt and I pulled away letting out a breath.

"Take me home," I whispered placing the joint between my lips and inhaling.

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