klaus meets daniel

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Klaus p.o.v.

I'm holding hope and it's just perfect I'm glad I didn't miss that much. I will destroy Marcel. For what he did to my family.

I see Meredith on the phone and she looks angry. I don't know what it is about her but I hope she is okay.

Meredith p.o.v.

Great Daniel wants to come here. I get married in a week and I wish I didn't have to. I don't love  him. But I will be queen so it's worth it.

5 hours later.

I see Daniel pulling up. He comes to hug me. I see everyone coming to see what going on. Klaus speaks first. "Who is this?" "I'm her finance Daniel" "I'm Klaus " Klaus looks mad for some reason.

Klaus p.o.v.

I feel jealous. I already don't like Daniel there is something about him that doesn't sit right with me. I walk away with hope.

I hear running after me. "Klaus it's not what you think I don't love him. We were betoryed before we were even born". She tells me. I feel better but there is something wrong with Daniel and I will find out what it is.

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