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(A/N) if you check my ao3 and look at the story there, i have ref pics uploaded for each of the characters!

Frank's morning had been hell, as per usual. He woke up at his alarm clock and turned it off after swatting around his nightstand for a while, trying to find the little fucker. Once he had turned it off, he sat up and stretched, almost immediately letting out a small cry of pain that he would deny to his grave. He had pulled something in his back and that was so not cool, he was only 23 for crying out loud! With a slight limp, he walked into the living room and was greeted by his twin brother sitting on their lumpy couch sipping a cup of coffee.

"There better be more in the pot or I'm gonna throttle you," Frank said. Anthony waved him off with a small grunt, letting him know that there was leftovers. Anthony always made sure to make extra for his brother, but Frank always asked. Brothers were supposed to jab at one another like that, even if it was threatening each other because of coffee.

Frank stumbled into the kitchenette of their small apartment and made his way to the pot of coffee. He smiled, seeing that there were leftovers, just like always. He really did appreciate the small gestures like that that Anthony made. It was always the little things that the brothers did to show that they loved the other. Frank poured himself a cup and added his regular adulterations to the bitter drink, letting out a pleasant sigh-slash-moan at the first sip. It was still a bit hot, so his tongue was not quite prepared, but at least it wasn't scalding or cold.

He walked into the living room again and plopped into the rocking chair beside the couch. Why they had a rocking chair, Frank did not know and neither did Anthony. They honestly could not remember why or how it got there. The wooden seat had just always been a part of the area.

He set his mug on the coffee table and turned to Anthony who was packing up his bag, getting ready to go to the school he taught at. Frank didn't really have to get up as early as he did, but he liked spending the mornings with his brother before he left for work. Frank had a part-time job at a local record store that he went to while he was searching for something full-time. Frank and Anthony lived together for the time being for the financial benefits. Since Anthony was a teacher at a shitty high school and Frank had only a part-time job, the two were just able to afford an apartment together and sustain themselves. It wasn't the fanciest of places, but they liked it anyways, content to share and live in their "cozy" home. They were very used to sharing, being twins and all. The only downside, really, was that with their living situation it made it a bit hard to get laid. Although they had a couple threesomes (as said before, they were used to sharing), neither of them had actually gotten any in a long time.

"Alright, I'm off to the coal mines," Anthony said, sighing and hopping up off the couch. Frank snorted.

"C'mon, it can't be that bad," he said. Anthony scoffed.

"That's what you think! You haven't had to deal with," he shuddered, " teenagers ." Anthony adjusted the straps on his bag and headed to the door. He grabbed the keys off of the hook by the coat rack and waved goodbye to his brother. Frank returned the gesture, even though Anthony was turned the other way so he couldn't see him. The sound of the door squeaking open then shutting rang through the small apartment, covering up Frank's groan. Now that Anthony was gone it was time to actually start his day and shower.

Frank gathered up some relatively clean clothes and went to the bathroom, starting up the water to let it heat up while he undressed. His tattooed body was reflected in the mirror, showing him the familiar art that was permanently inscribed into his arms and chest. He grinned at his image and made a few silly poses, checking himself out. He was a little upset by the small bit of extra weight he had started gaining due to his change in medication, but he dealt with it, deciding that it didn't matter as long as it didn't mess up his tattoos.

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