Chapter #1

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Twilights P.O.V

I woke up on the floor huddle up in a sleeping bag surrounded by boxes stacked all around my new room. I sighed thinking to myself,' ah the joys of moving'. I finally got up around 6:30 and decided that it would be a good idea to start getting ready for my first day at my new school. When my old highschool got shut down and my dad got a new job we thought it would be the best for us if we moved. Though my brother is in collage I wont be alone completely, since Spike my younger cousin, is also going to the new school with me. I got dressed putting on my purple plaid skirt, my light blue blouse and some knee high socks. I brushed my long pink and purple hair and headed down the stairs. My mom and dad were already at work and Spike was on the couch watching T.V. I got some breakfast and sat down beside Spike." So are you excited for the first day at the new school?" Spike asked me." Well kind of I just hope it won't be like Crystal Prep". He nodded and turned his gaze back to the T.V. After eating my breakfast me and spike got ready to leave for school. I was finished first so I left ahead of time since I was pretty sure Spike knew where he was going. Well at least i hoped he did. I finally arrived at the school and walked up the front main steps. I took a deep breath and opened up the door. Crowds of people walked through out the halls. I tried walking but every time I did another crowd of people would walk by blocking my path. I soon got tired of not being able to move so I grabbed on tighter to my bag and walked forward with no intention of stoping. I quickly realized that this was a bad idea and ended falling on to the floor. I crawled to the hall way leading to the main office which wasn't as crowded. I stood back up and continued making my way through my new school. I reached the front office and knocked on the door when a soft voice said" come in". I opened the door to see a woman dressed in a white and purple shirt with a yellow blazer on top. She was also wearing a pair of purple suit pants and a sun broch on the bottom of the collar on her blazer." Hello I am Principal Celestia, what can I do for you"? She asked me." Um my name is Twilight Sparkle I am the new student attending here", I replied not sounding very confident." Well welcome to our school here is your class schedule", she handed me a slip of paper," I hope you find yourself welcomed into your new school". I got up and left making sure I shut the door behind me and to make a mental note on where the office was. I was walking to where my locker was when I bump into someone making us both fall to the floor." Oh my gosh I am so so sorry are you alright"? The girl nodded and I helped her stand up. She had long slightly curly light pink hair and had some bangs cover up a bit of her face. She had on a yellow under shirt with a mint green tank top over top. On the stars of the tank top sat little butterflies for decoration." So what's your name"? I could tell she was shy." F-f-fluttershy", it came out as a whisper I could barely hear her." Um what was that"? Trying my best not to sound rude." Fluttershy", I could hear her better and I could make out her words." Was that Fluttershy"? I asked the shy girl. She nodded her head and gave me a small smile." I'm Twilight", I smiled back at her. We went our separate ways but I hoped to see her again and maybe have her as a new possible friend. I reached my locker without any more trouble and put my bag and books away. The lunch bell rang so I decided to walk around until I found the cafeteria. In the hall way a girl with pink bubble hair all over the place walked up to me. She was wearing a pink top with blue overalls on and was a bit on the larger side. She was holding a cupcake in her hand when all of a sudden she gasps "HUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!". She zooms past me not saying another word. Confused I continued my walk to find the cafeteria. I finally found the cafeteria and walked in. I wasnt hungry but I still saw it was the quickest way to get outside. As I walked through the cafeteria I saw a purple haired girl sitting at a table filled with what looked like the 'popular kids'. She was wearing a white dress and she was super skinny. She noticed me and waved, I waved make and made my way through to the doors leading outside. Outside there was a soccer game going on and I decided to sit down and watch. After the game two girls came up to me." Hey you new around here"? A rainbow haired girl with magenta eyes asked me." Umm yes", I replied not realizing she would notice." Well mah names Applejack and this here is Rainbow Dash", a blond girl with green eyes told me." Well my names Twilight", the smiled and I waved to them as I left. I was over whelmed by ever thing that happen today so I decided to find some piece and quiet in the library. It took me some time but I finally found it a little whiles away from the front office. I really wasn't too sure how I didn't see it before considering how big it was. I walked in and the room was completely dark. I was trying to find a light switch when all of a sudden.....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~★~A/N im sorry for being evil with the cliff hanger I will update soon hope you enjoyed the chpater.

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