Tsuki Hokousha - Chapter Two: Friend

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Yup this is the second chapter! I hope that you would enjoy it!  Here's the meanings of the names:

Hoshiko: Star Child or Child of Stars            Uchuuatotori: Space Inheritor

Seiza: Constellation                                             Uchuuatotori: Space Inheritor

Tenpi: Sun                                                                 Uchuuatotori: Space Inheritor


Seiza observed her grandchild as she was in her slumber. Lately she had distinguished that something perplexing was occurring. 'Hoshiko, could it be...could it be that your powers are awakening already?' She slipped some of her light brown hair, behind her and softly smiled. 'If so that means...' The Uchuuatotori looked up towards the moon from her opened curtain window. "It's to be expected, you are my granddaughter after all." She kissed her cheek. "Return back safely."

"Mother." Tenpi opened the door. "Is everything alright? I mean you suddenly just visited us." Her son looked deeply within his mother's honey brown eyes.

"Be quiet." She shushed him. "I don't know why you like this village anyway. A village like this may be safe, but it also have an attraction to danger. This is why Hoshiko should have continued living with me."

"Mother you suddenly coming does it have to do with that?" He queried his mother, lovingly looking over to his daughter.

"I will be staying here for a while. I am sure that the guest room is ready for me?" Seiza inquired, "come lets go, your child is busy having fun."

Once Tenpi departed from the room, his mother closed the door, leaving the spiritless girl in the tender darkness of the night.

'He wouldn't be able to find me here.'Hoshiko softly giggled.

The girl was hiding behind an immense moon rock. Since the young girl first appeared on the moon, she pinpointed that she had the ability to travel to the moon spiritually and when she wanted to return back home all she had to do was close her eyes and fall asleep in her spirit form.

Hoshiko as a girl never had much friends, because of her weak constitution she had when she was younger. Plus she lived with her grandmother in a peaceful forest where you could have clearly visualized the glittering stars.

Toneri has become use to Hoshi's visits and hadn't mind at all. He, himself thought he was actually have a bit of fun. But he would think that she was too hyper and playful her age. A point leading to her being playful, was right now they were playing hide n go seek, a children's game. Toneri didn't know how he let her convince him. When she wanted to be, Hoshi could be a very persuasive girl.

The boy of the Otsutsuki Clan easily located her, by sensing her unique chakra. "You really should try supressing your chakra."

"I guess you win again Toneri!!! Congratulations!!!" Hoshi beamed, smiling brightly.

Toneri could have sensed the incandescent feeling of happiness within her voice, making him feel a warm feeling slowly swirled in his heart. 'She's too easy to please.'

The girl squinted her eyes down at Toneri. "What were you just thinking? Were you thinking that I get happy too easily?" She hit the nail on the head.

'Where did this perceptive trait just came from?' He thought.

"Well that's ok! Being joyful is better than being depressed! Hey Toneri, ever since I met you, I finally made a goal for myself, it is to make you happy! Are you happy Toneri?" Hoshi asked.


"That's ok if you don't know now. I will always be here for you. I promise I will make you happy and always be there for you. I promise on all the stars that are situated on the blankets of space. If that promise is broken, their lights would terminate to make the black space luminous." Hoshiko gazed up towards the sky and sighed merrily. "The stars are really alluring from the moon."

"Why? I have never ask you to do such a thing for me. So why?" He was confounded by the girl.

Removing her focus from the rocks of light to Toneri, she declared, "you haven't figured out? You seem like a really sagacious guy to me, yet you haven't. Maybe because it too simple.... it's because I am your friend Toneri." She walked over to him. "Or you don't view me as a friend? If you don't, no matter to me you still are my friend, I promise."

"You want to be friends with a felon. I almost demolished the earth" The boy articulated to the female.

"I already have knowledge of that, but I still want to be your friend. I don't care about what you did in the past. We are humans, so that means were imperfectly beautiful. We make mistakes. That's the imperfect part of it and the beautiful part is that we learn from them." Her solemn voice had vibrated through Toneri's cerebrum.

He was then baffled by this girl, one minute she hyper and playful, but now she was serious and wise.

"I have been around my grandmother too much! I sounded like an old person!" She ruffled her honey-brown locks. "Anyway it's a promise. Hold out your pinkie."

Toneri did as the girl told him and their pinkies braided together.

"I promise with the stars as our witnesses." She commented.

This was the first time Toneri Otsutsuki has ever made a promise with a friend.

"Toneri you had told Naruto-kun that you would be fine living on the moon, right? Well I don't think that's true and the moon doesn't believes you either. Toneri when the moon cease in crying, that's when I would truly believe that you are ecstatic!" Hoshi spinned around with her hands out.

For a slip second, his heart skipped a beat and within his mind he thought he saw an image of a girl with brown hair and pupils the similar tinge as her hair, yet it was vague. 'How? I can't see. But... Was that girl Hoshiko?"

"Toneri is something wrong? You are holding your head." Her hand rested on his cheek.

'Her hand is warm.' His epidermis picked up on her temperature.

"You seem fine. Toneri I have to go. I will see you soon." She closed her eyelids and travelled back to Earth.

When Hoshiko opened her eyes she perceived Seiza and Tenpi.

"Hoshi, we have some things to chat about." Seiza said sternly.

"What is it?" She asked.

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you today just the way you are.- Unknown.

How was it?



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