Chapter 3

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At 3 a.m. when I got home the boys were in my bed asleep. As usual, I took my shower, put on Drake's shirt and some shorts and crawled in between them and went to sleep. When I woke up, I smelled coffee, eggs, sausage, and pancakes!!!! What the hell is going on!!! Who died? After I taught the boys how to cook their dad breakfast for fathers day, they seem to cook for me when they come over and they have something IMPORTANT to tell me. So I quickly got up, put on my fuzzy socks and practically ran to the kitchen.

Before I sat down, I asked "What's wrong boys? How much will I have to pay? Do I need to take one of you to the health department? If it's the health department, I will only tell you where the emergency jar is. I am not getting in trouble with your father again after the last time........... Jay!!!!" Jay just laughed at me and said "No mam, no one is in trouble. We just wanted to do something nice for you." Uh huh.... I looked at Chase and said, "Now tell me what you guys REALLY want." Chase looked me in the eyes and told me the truth. "We overheard something last week and we wanted to spend some time with you, possibly at the mall and maybe to a movie, before things possibly get a little out of hand and we might not get to see you as much as we would like." That statement and the look on their faces was not what I was expecting. Something is going on and I don't think that they even like what it is.

After looking at both of them, I decided not to push it further. I think I know what it is anyway. After I left the club last night, I called Anna and told her about the so called argument that I had with her brother. She then explained why he was so frustrated. "Lori wants the boys. She claims that she has missed her boys and that they need their mother in their lives." Anna explained. "She hasn't seen them in seven years, Nicole. I think that I know what this is really about, and it has nothing to do with the boys needing their mother in their lives!" Anna sounded like Drake did with all the frustration. The boys must have overheard a conversation between Anna and Drake. Something big is going on but no one is really saying exactly what it is.

But I'm not gonna push it so we ate breakfast and went to the mall. We had a ball just hanging out all day. Since it was getting late I thought it would be best to just drop the boys off at their dad's so he wouldn't have to pick them up when he got off. So I text Drake and informed him that I was dropping them off at home. He text back "OK" and that was it. He must really be upset with me.......

Some Deals Are Meant To Be Broken..............a short-short storyWhere stories live. Discover now