Chapter Fifty-Two

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During her stay, a large crowd had gathered outside the hospital to show their support. The media had been running stories about the famous Alexandra Gray all week. By now, she had become the most well-known individual on the planet. Every detail of her life was on public display from her upbringing, her famous family ties, to her heroic salvation of the planet. Alex had inspired people in such a way that they viewed her as a gift from god – an angel who miraculously descended from the heavens to save humankind. Everyone was praising her, and some were even moved to tears simply by being in her presence. She was used to receiving a lot of attention in the past, but nothing compared to this. When news of her release was broadcasted, the entire planet tuned in to hear the words from their saviour. Guardians came out in droves to manage the crowd.

“You’re live in three, two…” the camera man said as he held up his index finger.

“Hi, I am Marika Martens for the Global News Network. I’m here live at the Megalopolis hospital, awaiting the release of Alexandra Gray. Joining me in this historic celebration are thousands of people who are here to show their support and appreciation for what the courageous young prodigy has done for the planet and for human civilization.”

The doors slid open and Alex emerged from the hospital with Milo, Aris, and Mara by her side. The sound from the crowd was deafening as nearly five-thousand people simultaneously applauded Alex for her courage. Alex stood at the top of the stairs, waving to the crowd and displaying her perfect smile with cute dimples.

“Thank you for saving us, Alex!” someone screamed out from the crowd.

“Alex, over here!” people shouted as cameras flashed from every direction.

Alex was handed a microphone and waited for the crowd to settle down before she began to speak. Mara and her henchmen stood near – there would be no protesters at this rally.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” she began. Nearly everyone from around the world stopped whatever they were doing to listen to what Alex was about to say. “I appreciate your support through this trying time, it really means a lot to me.”

“We love you, Alex!” an anonymous voice professed.

“I stand before you completely humbled. I didn’t ask for any of this attention and praise, but I am truly honoured you herald me as your saviour. The truth is, I was just one small part in a much larger operation. I could not have done it without my mother, her friends, as well as my two best friends.”

The crowd once again put their hands together to celebrate Mara, Milo, and Aris, who were happy to be basking in the adulation that spilled off from Alex.

When the crowd came to a rest, Alex proceeded.

“I just want to say, we are all in this together. Individuality is important, but we must use this situation as a reminder that we need each other to survive. No one is an island. Even if you’re the Leader of the New World, you will not have all the answers, you need other people. Genius comes in many forms and if you empower the right people and empower yourself, unbelievable things can happen.”

Before she could complete her speech, someone in the crowd yelled out, “Since Maxim Morrison has relinquished his Leadership duties, do you have any intention of succeeding your father’s reign?”

It was a great question and an interesting proposal, one that Alex had not considered before. Her popularity was at an all-time high so winning an election would be a realistic possibility. She took a moment and scanned the crowd before responding. Everyone remained frozen in anticipation of her answer. She saw so many faces, both young and old, looking up to her for guidance and leadership.

“We’ll see,” she said simply. “Thank you all for coming out and giving me your support,” Alex said as she waved to the crowd.

The people once again erupted in a roaring wave of cheers as Alex was escorted into an awaiting vehicle. As the vehicle elevated off the ground, Alex looked out the window at the crowd and took great solace in seeing the joy on so many people’s faces. She knew from that moment, her life would be forever changed.

“Alex, what are you thinking about?” Milo asked.

Alex paused and looked over at him and Aris, who were sitting across from her. “When I was on the island I asked myself why the universe was so cruel to good people, and now I realize two things.”

“What are they?” Milo asked.

“First, the universe does not reward kindness,” she said, holding back her emotions. Her mother put her arm around her and hugged her. “You need to be kind for the sake of being kind, not because of the rewards you may receive. Even if your kindness, or courage, or ingenuity changes the world, you are not owed a single thing in return.”

“What was the second thing?” Aris asked impatiently.

“The universe works in mysterious ways,” she said rather cryptically without offering a further explanation. As the craft raced through the city, Alex returned her gaze out the window once again, looking at the sky. A subtle smile came across her face.

Her recent experience on the island taught her a valuable lesson: no matter how intelligent she was, there were forces that were greater and more powerful than her. Despite millions of people worshiping her, and the inspiring speech she had delivered, she knew the truth of what happened on that island. Left to her own devices, she would have died and become another helpless victim to the powerful Mother Nature. That was a truly humbling experience and perhaps the last of her trials as she prepared for the next chapter of her life.

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