Guidelines for Submissions

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If you...

Have an ED currently

Have struggled with an ED

Have someone close to you that has struggled with an ED

Have someone close to you that is presently struggling with an ED

Have a (non-harmful) opinion about ED's that you want to share with others

Have advice/tips for people struggling with ED's

Have been somehow impacted by ED's in your life

...and would like to share your story with the people on Wattpad, we'd love to have your experience recorded in this book.

To submit an entry, all you have to do is write something (all lengths are acceptable) and send us your piece. For entries longer than 1000 words, please email us at and PM to let us know you did. For shorter entries, PM'ing is perfect.
The only rules are that there is no

(i) pornographic or sexually explicit material.

(ii) VERY detailed explanations of self-harm/hate. Explaining what happened is fine, and talking about how it makes you feel, etc. is totally okay, but nothing explicitly and obviously triggering.

(iii) criticism/romanticism. ED's are Mental Illnesses and saying that someone can simply "get over" them is absurd. Criticizing someone for having an Eating Disorder is ridiculous because control isn't present.

If anyone has questions, don't hesitate to ask; and we'd all love to hear your stories/experiences!

[We will NEVER use your username unless you specify that you want us to]

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