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Hi, my name is Lauren and I have ARFID. There isn't much to say, so let me tell you the beginning.

The first signs showed when I was two. For some reason, my mom noticed I wasn't eating my normal breakfast. She tried offering something else, going somewhere to pick something up, and she even tried to force feed me. I eventually threw the meal on the floor and yelled "No!".

The types of food I would eat were decreasing by the day, and I was down to about 20 foods by the time I was 13. At this point, my mom had given in to my "stubborn demands". She had tried researching my abnormal eating habits and found Food Neophobia. We both believed I had that for about a year.

At age 14, I was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. A few months later, I was diagnosed with ARFID. From what I've heard, ARFID and autism can go hand and hand. To be honest, I felt somewhat relieved to finally know what I had. Now me and my therapist are working on techniques to block out the overload of senses in my mouth plus the fear drive. Since my diagnosis one year ago, have successfully tried three foods. I didn't like any of them, but I was still extremely happy that I had the courage to try it.

I admit, I have not completely gotten over it but I am on the road to recovery. That's what really matters. I hope you liked reading my story!

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