I ran over to the desk but ended up slipping on the blood and hit my head against the chair. "
Madre cazzo cagna puttana di puttana Che il diavolo fare una scala delle ossa della schiena mentre raccoglieva le mele nel giardino di inferno!!!! Did that come out of my mouth? I think I am starting to pick up
Fratello's habit." (Translation~ Mother fucking bitch Whore of a whore May the devil make a ladder of your back bones while picking apples in the garden of hell. Fratello means Brother if you didn't know.)As I got back up, I noticed a note on the desk saying
"Hello Italy. If you want to get your precious Holy Rome back, you must give us info about EVERY weakness about him. Meet us at the Flora woods."I froze and thought to myself "Why would anybody do this especially to Germany! If they think he is Holy Rome, why would they want to do this to Holy Rome! What did he do to deserve this?" As I thought this, I felt tears prick at the corner of my eyes. "No, I won't cry. For Germany. I'm going to get him back, even if I die trying. I will not give up my soon to be boyfrie- I mean, friend, up to people who would use it to harm him." I looked around a little more and found a small, rusted, bloody knife. I recognized this knife as one of German's older knifes he kept just in case. He had purposely let it rust so when the person escaped, they were forced to go to the hospital. I took a closer look at the knife and found that it had some writing on it. I picked it up and I took it into the kitchen. I washed it off and carefully picked the rust off. I read the words on the knife.
"Dieses Messer Darf ich und meine Lieben Schutz bringen . Möge dieses Messer von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben werden. Dieses Messer kann uns nie enttäuscht . Dies ist das Messer von Odin geschaffen , sich die Menschheit selbst weitergegeben." (Translation~ May this knife bring I and my loved ones protection. May this knife be handed to from generation to generation. May this knife never let us down. This is the knife created from Odin himself handed down to mankind itself.)
"I am so glad that Germany taught me some German." I said as I dried the knife off and put it in a hiking bag. "If I am going to save Germany, I better get a bag packed with all the things am going to need." I sighed. "If only Fratello hadn't crashed my Lamborghini, I would be able to help Germany quicker." And with that, I left our comfy, little home.
Italy's Adventure (Discontinued)
FanficGermany gets captured having Italy go after him to quite possibly saving him from death. Italy meets lots of people on his way. The sorrow, pain, happiness, and funny moments all intertwine. Along the way, Italy makes new friends who try to help him...