Hear my Pain

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She was staring at herself in the mirror seeing the girl that once was happy about how her family was proud of her accomplishments she had the pretty boy that girls wanted but he fell for her because he sees different from her love of nature and living things to her natural beauty she sports better than any girl but that was all gone in the past now she faces the dark tunnel that's now her future

She opened up the medicine cabinet inside she pulled out an old razor that still had her blood on it and a bottle of prescription pills she was tempted of couple of times to use them but instead she will poor her sadness and anger on her family

The pounding on her bathroom door alarm her she quickly put everything back into the medicine cabinet grabbing her sweater covering her old scars she open the to see her other half her twin sister nikki

"Mom is downstairs waiting for you so hurry up"

The chemistry between the sisters were broken in half they didn't consider themselves twins especially sisters she quickly wipe the tear that escape her she look herself in the mirror crying her eyes out not knowing that the girl she is staring at is no longer brie bella

The chemistry between the sisters were broken in half they didn't consider themselves twins especially sisters she quickly wipe the tear that escape her she look herself in the mirror crying her eyes out not knowing that the girl she is staring at...

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Rehab Center

Her mom pulled up to the front of the rehab center for the depress and suicidal patients they enter inside the building signing in brie bella waiting for her to be called a worker ask for brie to come with her mom gave her a kiss and hug goodbye

Brie enter in the room a group of young teenagers were in a circle with their heads turn towards brie she kept her head down avoiding the eyes directed on her

"Brie if you may join we're in the middle of sharing time"

Brie found a spot next to Stephanie McMahon the woman who was in charge of the entire center and today's session brie was instructed by her to attend to help with her problem

"Everyone today we will share our stories in hope it will help you on with every problem your facing from depression to suicide problems I'm hear to cure you or just as friend who wants to listen" she carefully explained taking a quick look at brie who was scratching at her wrists Stephanie grab brie's hand letting her know it's okay

"Now who will start first"

A girl name becky lynch decided to share her story she explains how she came here from Ireland once reaching high school she was being made fun of being call an orange arse her brother sheamus stood but made it worst when a group of hated girls beated her up and posting the video on the internet making her a laughing stock now since the posting of the video she was popping prescription pills sending her to the hospital to have her stomach pump now she is here to seek help and to find away to move past this

Another girl name valerie share her story of battling depression it all began when her parents both got a divorce living her with her aunt to take care of her once she was sixteen years her aunt gave her up for adoption now she lives in a group home where no one there loves her wo she fled now she lives on the football field of her high school where the only time when she happy is when she finds someone who actually cares

A boy that brie is familiar with was bo dallas he was your average dweeb he said when came to him being pick on it by the a group of popular kids but his desire to date the hot chick summer was on his mine when approaching her to ask her on a date she agree he met her up at the movie theaters seeing her in sight she and her group of friends laugh at him thinking why she would date someone like bo her boyfriend end up beating him up sending him home to his mom crying in her arms

More of the group began sharing their story to the rest of the group now it was brie turn to share she shook her head no and ran into a nearby bathroom throwing up and crying best not to be loud she gather herself together heading back to the group her motivation was led by the group to do her share she took a couple of breaths now was the telling of story

"My story starts as a cinderella story I had the perfect life the hot boyfriend and a promising future but the story becomes a horror movie without the monster trying to kill me because I'm the monster only instead of hurting people I'm hurting myself by feeding my body prescription pills and taking a sharpen razor scrapping it across my wrists until there no more blood to escape out of my arms so here is how the story begins"

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